Page 3 - GraceMail October 2021
P. 3

However, sometimes you might feel over-burdened by this call, over- whelmed by all the people that need help and support, and over-run with things to do. A little while ago, we came across some helpful advice, though it was somewhat tongue-in-cheek:
Don't forget to leave something for God to do!
The wonderful thing about working with God, is that we never work alone, and sometimes, even maybe most of the time, God gets on and does exactly what's needed without our help. But we get to join in, because He loves us, and calls us, to produce good fruit that lasts.
So next time you're wondering where Jesus is, how about looking over the road at your neighbour, or across the desk at your colleague, over the garden fence, or at the person huddled up against the wind.
With love, and prayers for our on-going life with Jesus.
Darren and Lynne
   Darren and Lynne are now ‘on sick’ for the next few weeks. Let’s keep them and their family in our prayers.
Please contact Corps Secretary Michelle Bradley if necessary on 01724 764675 after 6pm. Thankyou.
3. Grace Mail

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