Page 2 - Grace Mail Lent 2022
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Dear Forever Family
Welcome to a special issue of Scunthorpe Corps Newsletter. Lent this year is from the 2nd of March until Thursday, 14th of April. Whether you mark this season every year, or have never really followed it before, apart from pancakes on Shrove Tuesday (1st March this year), we invite you to use the thoughts shared below to inspire your thinking, and to come closer to Jesus in this season.
You can use these thoughts how you like, reading one a week, or taking out a day from your normal time to spend a few hours going through all the readings and thoughts and questions - or any other method that suits you. You will need to find a few simple items, either beforehand or as you go along (or just use your imagination - but don't underestimate the power of doing something physically in bringing you closer to God).
For each section there aren't many words, and sometimes a picture, and a
special word that you may like to carry with you, as it were, during your day or week. You can read each section very quickly, but the idea is to prompt your thinking, and to open yourself up to the Spirit to share with you God's heart and mind.
If you like to journal, or are creative, you might like to record what God shows you, in words or pictures, or with music. And if something moves you, or you feel God speak to you, consider sharing your testimony with us, either to include in a future newsletter, meeting, or online.
(All the short poems that are included were written by Andrew Roycroft, during his ministry to a local church.)
Sending you Christian greetings, and promising our prayers for you all,
Lynne and Darren.
Darren and Lynne are ‘on sick’.
Let’s keep them and their family in our prayers.
Please contact Corps Secretary Michelle Bradley if necessary on 01724 764675 after 6pm. Thankyou.
2. Grace Mail