Page 12 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 12

Thaùi-Cöïc döôõng sinh                                             Ñoã Quang-Vinh

                    “Khi Hai”, is the 6th point of the                           Cuong” and the prebirth Chi in “Dan Dien” can exchange and
               Front  Channel,  a  sea  (“hai”=>  sea)  of                        normally circulate, so there will be balance between the Yin
               Chi (“khi”=>chi) located in a point about                          and Yang, and between the five organs (heart, can, spleen,
               3cm below the Navel, also known as the                             lung and kidney) and the six viscera as well.
               Lower Dan Dien.                                                    Yin  goes  down,  Yang  goes  up.  The  Front  Channel  goes
                                                                                  down from the point “Thua Tuong” along the line between

                     “Trung Quan” is the 12th point                              the abdomens downwards to the point “Hoi Am”, from there
               of the Front Channel, situated about 13.5                          The Back Channel bypasses the spinal cord up to “Bach Hoi”
               cm above the navel, or at the midpoint of                          on the top of head then runs down to the point “Ngan Giao”
               the segment connecting the navel with the                          situated at the upper lip.
               segment  linking  the  edge  of  two  ribs,
               effective  to  restore  Yang  Chi,  to  rescue                     The  practitioner  shut  his/her  mouth,  letting  the  tip  of
               from adverse wind, to accelerate                                   tongue naturally touching the palate at the root of maxillary
               the process of digestion, to absorb nutrients, and to treat        incisors,  doing  so,  the  two  Front  and  Back  Channels  will
               high blood pressure and neurasthenia as well.                      connect each other like two. At the same time, inhale and
                                                                                  exhale  through  the  nose,  doing  so,  both  the  prebirth  Chi
                     “Thua  Tuong”,  effective  for                              and  postbirth  Chi  mix  together  producing  energy
                                                                                  downwards  the  zone  of  "Lower  Dan  Dien”,  like  electrical
               harmony  of  Yin  and  Yang,    is  the  24th                      power of the process of combustion engine in physics, this
               point of the Front Channel, situated at the                        mixed  Chi,  therefore,  circulates  unceasingly  within  the
               bottom of the hollow under the lower lip                           closed Small Heavenly Circle formed by the combination of
               and  on  the  road  along  the  lower  jaw,
               where it normally does saliva flow (“thua”                         the Front and the Back channels.
               means normally, “tuong” means saliva).
                                                                                  The  Front  and  the  Back  Channels  have  cleared  of
               2.3-  Opening  the  channels,  meridians  and                      obstructions, then all meridians in the body are also cleared,
               transporting Chi.                                                  but  to  be effective, Tai Chi practitioners should follow the
                                                                                  following principles:

               Opening  the  Front  and  the  Back  Channels  Circuit  have          (1) The Tao of Tai-Chi Chuan, Way to  Rejuvenation, Tai
               purpose to transport unceasingly Chi along the closed Small               Chi Foundation  Jou, Tsung Hwa, POB.828,Warwick ,
               Heavenly Cycle to help the Yang root at the point “Truong                 N Y. 10995, ISBN: 08048-1357-4)

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