Page 14 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 14
Thaùi-Cöïc döôõng sinh Ñoã Quang-Vinh
§2- To Practice Nutri-Living Tai Chi a- The practitioner has to move continuously without
interruption, the moves proceed naturally such as streams
Fundamental Principles & Basic Moves drifting.
b- Keep straight the back, no twisting the body. The
straight back isn’t only helpful for the easy circulation of Chi, for
1- Loose to relax completely body and mind (1). keeping the body solidly balanced while moving, but also a
model of the honest mind and righteous attitude.
a- no effort to push, do not erectile muscles while
moving. c- There are 2 postures of the hand: the first form is to
b- at the same time, keep empty mind. The mind push (fig. 1), the palm is opened, the thumb a little facing to
must be totally peaceful, quite forget all sorrows and anxieties, the palm like embracing the ball, the thumb does not touch the
do not think anything other than your movements, throw your forefinger; the second form is to fist, but both form must be
"burden of worries" for smiling to monitor the progress of the loose, not erectile the nerves of the wrists (fig. 2). Also the
Chi transporting through every step, each movement; keep the fingers should not open rigidly straight and separate each other
optimism, liberate the heart and the ego, be altruistic and with large gaps.
harmony with the nature and the others.
c- The empty mind is necessary for the health, 3- There are many lessons to exercise, such as “Tai Chi
because any excessiveness is harmful for the five organs: Pushing 130 stances”, “single person pushing hands 60 and 80
* Happy too much is harmful for your heart. stances”, “the long TaiChi Chuan 210 stances, etc...However, we
* Sorrowful too much is harmful for the lungs. selected the lesson 24 stances very simple, most universal, this
* Angry too much is harmful for the liver. is a combination of important basic moves from the other
* Fearful too much is harmful for the nerves. lessons, convenient for all ages, suitable for those who has
* Thinking too much is harmful for the spleen. limited time and has not good and durable memory. For seniors,
the lesson 28 stances, which simplified from the 80 stances
2- Hold breath within “Dan Dien” (2), inhale and exhale lesson by Master Diep Quoc Huong, is easier and more
through your nose along the process of Chi transportation. appropriate.
Normally breath, shut your mouth for breathing, this is a 4- To easily orientate the moves we are taking forwards
scientific application as mentioned above. to the North as the front direction, so the back is to the
South, right is east, left is west.
3- Exercises include a series of basic moves which
require: 5- Before and after the lesson, let’s twisting the waist and
doing the moves from No XVIII onwards. Besides, the basic
forms from No. I to XVII are necessary also to access the next
lesson of Pushing Hands.