Page 20 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 20

Thaùi-Cöïc döôõng sinh                                             Ñoã Quang-Vinh

               C-  Repeat  both  the  Climbing  Mountain
               Stance and the Four-Six Stance, next change
                       6- Continue to press and open the front foot of the
               “Climbing Mountain” Stance then transform into the “Four-
               Six” Stance. Do it several times according to your capability.
                                                                                                                    (11)                  (12)
                       7-  Change  into  the  new  direction  starting  from  the
               “Four-Six” Stance.

                       8- Slowly rise up the front heel backwards near to the
               rear heel in the false stance, drop it to make the stance of
               bending two knees with the heels forming the letter V. Next
               you  are  rising  up  the  knees  to  stand  up  straightly  while
               keeping the feet in the form of letter V. (fig. 11-13).
                       9- A new cycle begins again starting from the false                                (14)                       (15)
               stance  as  before  but  the  back  leg  becomes  now  moving
               forwards into the front one and vice versa. (Fig.14-18))

                       Note  that  the  continuous  and  rhythmical  transition
               between  the  Climbing  Mountain  Stance  and  the  “Four-Six”
               Stance  on  alternate  directions  is  basically  helpful  later  for
               the Cat’s Paces Walking.

                                                                                                    (16)            (17)

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