Page 25 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 25

Thaùi-Cöïc döôõng sinh                                             Ñoã Quang-Vinh

               A- Right Rubbing Clouds:  (continued)
                       2- The two arms are still at the waist. Continue the
               twisting waist on the opposite way.
                                You  are  now  looking  at  the  North,  from
               this position, turn to the left (fig. 6)

                                Push outside and backwards the two arms
               keeping still parallel each other like two clock’s needles for                           (6)           (7)
               twisting waist along the 2nd half circle starting backwards
               up  to  the  North  and  accomplish  the  circle  of  the  first
               round.(fig. 6-10)                                                                                                               (8)
                                While drawing this left half circle, the right
               toes  still  opened,  touch  the  ground  once  the  itinerary
               terminates at the original position of the “Pushing forward &
               Pulling  Hands  back”  at  the  “Climbing  Mountain  Stance”.
               Then pull back the front foot beside the rear foot to stand
               on both feet forming letter V as the original posture (fig.6-
                                Remember that during all the process, the
               back sole is still sticking to the ground, except the front toes                        (9)
               raise  up  or  lower  down according the twisting to and fro,
               with also the front heel using as an axis so that the front                                                   (9)                 (10)

               foot can swivel after the twisting waist.
                       3- Repeat the successive rounds with the same ways.



                                     (2)                                                               (11)                  (12)

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