Page 28 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 28

Thaùi-Cöïc döôõng sinh                                             Ñoã Quang-Vinh

                                 VII- Cat Paces–Part 2

                 7- With the same way, the front knee pressed

               down to support your whole weight, and raise the
               rear foot, let its toes touching the front heel, next
               drop  the  rear  heel  forward  to  the  North  to  form                     (8)
               the  “Left  Climbing  Mountain”  Stance  at  the  new
               direction (8-10).                                                                              (9)

                 8-  Continue  consecutively  the  next  cycle                                                                      (10)
               following  the  precedent  ways.  So,  with  catlike
               tread,  you  have  crepted  in  zigzags  alternatively
               towards  the  North-East,  North-West,  North-East,

               etc... along a straight line to the North (11-12).

                 9-  To  do  “Cat  Paces  Backward”,  reverse  the
               previous  itinerary:  bend  the  rear  knee  and  raise
               the front foot dropping backward to sit on its bent
               knee in the “Four-Six” Stance, next continue to do                            (11)
               it backward in the same way.                                                                                            (12)

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