Page 4 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 4
Thaùi-Cöïc döôõng sinh Ñoã Quang-Vinh
Virtue that the two branches Lac Viet and Viet Thuong This is that Yin-Yang pairs are relative, but this mysterious
survived to become the Vietnamese of today. Thanks to this duality is simply one, like two sides of the hand.
philosophy, the Yin-Yang balanced way-of-life was
expressed in the Vietnamese people all of times, making Yin and Yang are pervading space and time, climate,
History to respect them as a heroic race.” weather, facts and every phenomenon in the universe. Now
we welcome the joy, later sadness will arrive. After being
This philosophy was transfered to the Han’s when they have hot is being cold, once the day terminates, the night
invaded the Viet race, carried all the ethnic Vietnamese continues. Day and night are incompatible, yet they are
goods, and of course, gradually over time, these captured complements each other, so that the human life may be
properties have been changed for processing how to adapt regularized. Therefore, one cannot endure throughout the
to the new systems, so that the next generations habitually day being oppressively hot under the dazzling sunlight, has
have known it as the Chinese Philosophy of Changes. to expect the cool atmosphere under the moonlight. Day
and night are alternate.
Today, the Chinese called as "the Taoist Taichi Chuan", it
means that this martial exercise was based on Lao-Tzu’s At the deadlock, the way will be opened up. “The poverty
philosophy. In fact, Lao Tzu and Confucius are all the does not remain unchanged for three families, the
philosophers who inherited their previous sages of Bach Viet prosperity is not persisting for three generations” and “The
race. more they love each other, the more they bite each other”
as said the Vietnamese maxims. So, love or jealousy is
In the great book of Bách Việt Tiên Hiền Chí, “the Philosophy simply the double-faced of the love. This is the
of Yin-Yang was discussed in the writings of three sages: Kế transmutation according to the laws of nature, the so-called
Nghi, Dưỡng Phấn, Quách Thương (Ji Yi, Yang Fen, Guo “philosophy of changes” or “philosophy of the Yi King” as
Shang). Ji Yi introduced the law of Yin-Yang with the Five said in Chinese book.
Elements. Yang Fen presented the consequences of Yin-
Yang. Guo Shang emphasized the Positive Virtue as the Inheriting the Yin Yang philosophy of Bach Viet’s sages, Lao
foundation for self-improvement and family administration.” Tzu of China rewrote the philosophy of changes (易 理), and
b- Tai Chi or the Universal Monad, Yin and named it “philosophy of Yi King”. The pictography of DỊCH
Yang, the Cycle of Birth and Rebirth. (易), Chinese character, contains two elements symbolizing
two reciprocally influential images: the sun is positive (or
In the universe, everything changes constantly, nothing is Yang) placed above the moon indicating negative (or Yin).
absolute, and everything implies the double-faced of the The structure of this pictography expresses the meaning of
same relative, compatible and incompatible interactively.