Page 5 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 5

Thái Cực Dưỡng Sinh                                                                       Ðỗ Quang-Vinh

               the Yin-Yang philosophy of Changes or philosophy of the Yi  but  co-ordinate  into  one  entity.  The  sky  is  Yang  positive,
               King.                                                              The Earth is Yin negative, and the man absorbs the Yang air
                                                                                  from the sky and imbibes the Yin air from the Earth in order
               In  the  humanistic  view,  once  they  are  in  accordance  with  to  regularize  his  life.  That  is  Three-Element-Relationship:
               Yin-Yang  transmutation,  they  are  obeying  to,  yet  not  Heaven,  Earth,  and  People.  Once  there  is  a  male,  there
               resisting  the  natural  order  of  the  Nature.  In  the  should be a female, both intercourses to give birth to child,
               philosophical interpretation, the “Đạo” (Dao 道), that “Way”  that’s in accordance with the natural principles of Yin-Yang,
               is the absolute and pre-existing before the universe that was  conforming to Heaven’s Way.
               created,  neither  creating  nor  exterminating,  neither
               increasing  nor  decreasing,  a  mystical  and  metaphysical  Phục-Hy  (Fu  Zse)  described  the  alternate  transmutation
               principle which is impossible to comment.                          between Yin and Yang elements by the following diagram of
                                                                                  the  natural  universe,  called  Fu  Zse  Tai  Chi  diagram:
               This absolute is the innate air from the nothingness of the  (伏羲太極圖) (fig: 1):
               infinite,  or  Vô  Cực  (Wu  Chi  無極).  An  idle  computer,
               unused,  is  in  the  state  of  nothingness  of  Wu  Chi,  the
               primordial  unmanifested  state.  Suddenly,  someone  places
               hands on the keyboard, intends to type, he /she brought a
               movement into the nothingness, that’s the beginning of Tai
               Chi,  the  universal  monad  (太極),  the starting point of the
               process of transmutation, the source of Yin-Yang changes.
               The nothingness exists before the movement’s start. When
               there is a start, the motionless disappears, and immediately                                             (Fig: 1)
               the  Tai  Chi  begins,  then  splits  into  dualistic  opposite
               elements which are Yin and Yang, then coming to end their  The  author  Jou,  Sung  Hwa  connected  Yang  with  Yin  by a
               cycle  by  turning  back  to  Tai  Chi,  the  origin,  just  as  the  curved line for expressing the dynamic  circular movement,
               theory of “duality in an unique”, next repeat the same cycle,  by contrast, if the line is straight, this means Tai Chi is in a
               again and again exactly the sinusoid cycle in trigonometry.        motionless state (1). So, inside Yang there is Yin (black dot)
                                                                                  and  inside  Yin there is Yang (white dot). Therefore, when
               Thái  (“Tai”  in  Tai  Chi)  means  largest  place,  extremity,  Yang  reaches  the  maximum,  the  Yin  germ  transforms
               ending  point.  The  nothingness  of Wu Chi is Yin, negative,  gradually  Yang  into  Yin,  and  when  Yin  reaches  the
               and the germ of the movement which rose from the infinite  maximum, the Yang germ transforms Yin into Yang, and the
               is  Yang,  positive.  Though  Yin  and  Yang  are  incompatible,  transmutation concludes the cycle of birth in order to restart

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