Page 50 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 50

Thaùi-Cöïc döôõng sinh                                             Ñoã Quang-Vinh

               XIX- SWIVEL THE ARMS AROUND SHOULDERS                              XXII-Swivel the neck:
               1-  Cup  fingers  of  two  hands  to catch both shoulders, keeping   Swivel  it  along  counter-clock  direction  &  vice  versa,  do  it  10
               two arms very close to armpits.                                    times each round
               2-  Keeping  this  position,  arms  out  after  rotating  360-degree
               circle around the front then back to original position
               3-  Doing  so  such  many  times  within  your  best  and  keep  the
               cycle in reverse:
                   *  Keeping  the  initial  position  of  both  hands  with  cupped
               fingers to catch both shoulders as previously, keeping both arms
               very close to armpits.
                   * Arms out in front making a circle 360 degrees around the
               back and then returned to its original position.
               XXI-Swivel the wrists & neck
               1- Stretch in front, both arms paralleling each other and to the
               ground,  with  hands’ backs facing each other and palms facing
                       a- At that position, translate the left wrist upon the right
               one, and then weave hand’s fingers together.
                       b-  On  the  vertical  plan,  swivel  it  along  counter-clock
               direction backward to the chest, and then forward it to the front
               making a whole circle.
                       c-  Continue  to  do  that  some  times  as  possible  as  you
               can,  and  then  do  that  along  the  contrary  cycles  to  return  the
               initial position mentioned in 1-a
               2-  Keep  still  the  initial  position:  stretch  in  front  both  arms
               paralleling each other and paralleling to the ground, with hands’
               backs facing each other and palms facing outside:
                       a- Translate the right wrist upon the left one, and then
               weave hand’s fingers together.
                       b-  On  the  vertical  plan,  swivel  it  along  counter-clock
               direction backward to the chest, and then forward it to the front
               making a whole circle.
                   c- Continue to do that some times as possible as you can,
               and then do that along the contrary cycles to return the initial
               position mentioned in 1-a /2-a

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