Page 51 - Let's Practice NUTRI-LIVING TAI CHI Excercises
P. 51
Thaùi-Cöïc döôõng sinh Ñoã Quang-Vinh
XXI- Fold down the back and stretch forth
arms up while twisting waist a half circle
1- Straddle with shoulder width.
2- Fold down the back as low as possible (with is the
best is the back paralleling to the ground), let loosing arms,
watching down, both palms parallel to the ground (1). (1) (2) (3)
3- Keep straight the back and knees. Twist the waist to
the right side while no changing the arms’ position to draw a
curve raising high up to the terminal standing straightly
towards the East (2-6).
4- From this position, twist waist to the left side while
keeping still both arms stretching high up (7). Once reaching
the West, fold down the back as the starting move in No. 2.
Next do the same process as described in No. 3 keeping
folding down the back to twist waist sweeping a low curve
from West to East, then terminate the cycle by standing up
with arms raising high up Fig on next page: 8-14) . After (4)
some cycles, change into the contrast direction, by twisting (5) (6)
waist starting from the left to the right side following the
same process.
5- However, note that, not doing beyond your strength
particularly for those who have heart problems, they are
advised to do this stance . (7)