Page 31 - 2020 Primrose School Virtual Brochure
P. 31

Primrose Early Art Masters Creative Arts and Expression
           WHY: Visual and creative arts stimulate imagination and critical thinking skills that are essential skills for success in
           learning and life.
           •  Through sensory discovery with various art materials, your child can be creative and uninhibited in expressing feelings
            and ideas through art.
           •  Your child begins to appreciate art techniques when using a variety of art media in a relaxed environment with nurturing
            guidance from teachers.

                                   Happy Hearts Character Development and Life Skills
           WHY: Research shows that social-emotional intelligence is one of the best predictors of future success in school and in life.
           •  We believe who children become is as important as what they know.
           •  Our Primrose Friends puppets, featured in our original literature books, introduce and reinforce specific character traits
            through age-appropriate discussions, story-telling and role-playing.

           •  Your child learns and practices important skills and traits, such as compassion, sharing and generosity as adults
            encourage and serve as role models for these traits.
           •  During Children’s Choice Learning Center time, your child practices taking turns, self-control, cooperation and negotiation

                                          Primrose Schools Harmony & Heart™
           WHY: The first few years of life are important for developing musical aptitude and a love of music, and can even help
           prepare children for learning reading and math in the future.

           •  Music is a universal language that is made up of patterns, fractions and sequences. Music builds
            new pathways in the brain that reinforce mathematical and reading concepts, while also
            increasing your child’s independence and confidence.

           •  Your child will not only learn music skills like tone, melody, and rhythm - they’ll also grow in
            areas like language, math and particularly, character development through the Harmony &
            Heart program.

                                 Primrose Schools Thumbs Up!® Physical Development
           WHY: Active children are more likely to become active adults.
           •  During our skills-based Thumbs Up! program time, your child develops awareness of body
            place in space while increasing balance, coordination and agility.

           •  In addition to organized physical play, your child has time each day to strengthen gross
            motor muscles by sliding, climbing, jumping, and running freely and safely on age-
            appropriate playgrounds.

        Each Primrose school is a privately owned and operated franchise. ©2020 Primrose School
        Franchising SPE, LLC. All rights reserved. Equal Opportunity Care Provider. PSMK958-2020
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