Page 56 - KCRPCA-JanFeb2017R1
P. 56

Over the past couple years, Roscoe has imparted to us knowledge of the roads only known to locals.
As we headed in for a fresh cup of brew, our mission was to  nd the best route to 123, but little did we know Roscoe would turn the day from excellent to epic. It was at that moment that we were introduced to a hidden gem called Race Track Road.
Caffeinated and ready, armed with a GT3, Carrera S, Cayman S and an AMG c63, we rolled out.
From the moment we left Eureka on a hidden side road marked only by a thrift shop, the roads opened up and rarely gave us time to catch a breath. Through valleys and over Ozark Mountains we  ew corner-to-corner, sweeper to straight away. After a good 80 miles of spirited driving, we had  nally reached our destination. To put 123 in to perspective, the Pig Trail looks like 71 highway compared to this narrow 2-lane climb up to 2000 feet.
The switchbacks up the front side will test the clearance of a front splitter. Then add a motorcycle or another sports car seeking the same thrill, coming against you on a blind corner, as you both try to hold the apex and the lane; yeah, it’s like that.
As we reached the end of the road, we found the sun to be getting low in the sky, but still found exciting roads to lead us back to the event we had come to attend. All in for Saturday, 275 miles of curves were traveled without incident or interference from the local authorities.
As the last event for weekend, we headed to the awards banquet for healthy helpings of crab legs and entertainment.
January / February 2017

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