Page 21 - DES premium katalog 2021.indd
P. 21

South Ormsby is home of Massingberd-Mundy products; created in the heart of the Lincolnshire Wolds by
 artisanal craftspeople and world-class farmers.
 "A classic, well rounded, juniper- ''A powerful, fragrant nose with
 forward  London  Dry  with  the resinous  pine,  green  herbs,
 complexity of its botanical mix chamomile, white grapefruit, and
 working its way through on the meadow grass. The palate is well               ABOUT US
 nose. Easy to sip, clean and fresh, balanced with a fantastic oiliness,
 with  sweet  citrus  fruits,  orris,  warm spice, earthy juniper, and the
 Having started his career at the  "Excellent solid gin base with a
 cardamon, and traditional herbs and  cut of grapefruit acidity. Some
 world-famous Laphroaig Distillery  good mixture of berries – very nice
 spices on the tongue."  orange and pepper notes in the
 Meet Pawel and Kasia. Co-founders and Co-owners of Jonston Distillery. They
 in Scotland, Tristan has worked  balance. Good heat coming from
 finish. Super balance and control of
 You may be wondering why they called their company Sand Grown spirits. They were inspired by the sea! spirit  with  a  are the perfect team, he is the navigator. Capitan‘s eye, he sets the course,
 for some of the UK’s major spirit
 flavors and complexity.''  keeps an eye on control panel... Meanwhile, she is the captain of their ship,
 balanced fruit profile and high
 Sandgrown'uns are born and raised on the West Lancashire coast. This is a beautiful part of England, laid down
 producers. His experiences in the
 responsible for collaboration with suppliers, for the creation of gin recipes as
 by a glacier at the end of the last ice age. The varied coastline has inspired their first spirit, LYTHAM GIN. Bornexity. Really elegant colour."  The  company DES  Subotica was  founded in
 food and beverage hospitality
 well as keeping eyes on processes. All their botanicals are unique, they come
 and raised in Lytham St. Annes like Sara, its creator.  industry have resulted in him  1961 when the production of the best quality
 from different parts of the world! Such as juniper barries which come from
 becoming a rounded, versatile  Macedonia! As you know, gin can be produced in several ways. They create  distilling  equipment  fot rakia  started, made
 and experienced distiller, with a  theirs by macerating juniper berries and other botanical ingredients in the base
                                                           of pure electrolytic copper of DHP quality. De-
 passion to do things traditionally  spirit. The maceration process takes several hours. They also put some of the
 using only the finest botanicals.
 Looking back, the choice to create  Dorset's hand-crafted London Dry  ingredients into the gin infusion basket.  veloping  production, improving  technology-
 He aims to take the consumers’
 LYTHAM GIN was an obvious one.  Gin distilled using a copper still in
 Sara, the creator of LYTHAM GIN is  small batches. They are using DES journey  thanks to the experience and skill of the staff,

 a  chemistry  graduate  who  through the flavour spectrum for
 120 liter copper still, which they                        we confirmed our existence and turned into a
 specialised in organic molecules  his gin. With the nose, body and
 called Guinevere!
 (which are what gives gin its                             leader in the market of distilling equipment.
 finish of his gin’s all giving the
 flavour). Paul, the co-founder used
 to  specialise  in  manufacturing  mouth  a  different  sensual
 processes and systems at one of  experience.  Tristan  would  Mrs. Jonston owes its sophisticated  We have developed a range of products from
 character to a sophisticated selection
 the largest food and beverage  recommend Burrell’s Dry Gin with
 companies in the world. In fact we  a light tonic with tangerine and  of unique botanists from around the  small capacity hobby models to professional
 wonder why it took us so long to
 Meet Pawel and Kasia. Co-founders and Co-owners of Jonston Distillery. They  world, high-quality Polish spirit and an  "The nose is quite green and
 black peppercorns to garnish.
 The name Viper was born as they were preparing their plot to grow botanicals in Dorset, whilst clearing the long  installations  for large distilleries.  We  build
 come up with the idea in the first
 are the perfect team, he is the navigator. Capitan‘s eye, he sets the course,  artisanal method of distillation. The  herbal with nettles, hay, juniper,
 grass they came across a rare sight. A Viper! That seemed quite fortuitous, the name stuck, and they haven’t
 keeps an eye on control panel... Meanwhile, she is the captain of their ship,  combination of, among others juniper,  and  liquorice  root.  Angelica,  success on a permanent and systematic in-
 looked back since.
 South Ormsby
 responsible for collaboration with suppliers, for the creation of gin recipes as  coriander, angelica roots and seeds,
 well as keeping eyes on processes. All their botanicals are unique, they come  licorice root, orange peel, kaffir leaves,  anise,  cardamom,  and  fennel  vestment  in research  and development,  ac-
 The craft of producing premium quality spirits
 from different parts of the world! Such as juniper barries which come from  hibiscus flower and cassia cinnamon  come through on the palate with
 in Vietnam was entirely new when Distric 9                tive  launch  of  new  products  and  applied
 Macedonia! As you know, gin can be produced in several ways. They create  were steam infused to further enhance  bright grapefruit citrus."
 distillery started their endeavor to produce
 theirs by macerating juniper berries and other botanical ingredients in the base  the notes of orange, grapefruit and  technological solutions as well constant im-
 spirit. The maceration process takes several hours. They also put some of the  the first ever gin from Saigon. Saigon Baigur is  rosemary. Meet Mrs. Jonston not only
 Elaine Elizabeth is a 500 liter twin column vodka still. Elaine works every day
 A botanical is a plant that is valued to triple distill Somerset spirit milk
 vodka, from multi-able stripping runs to the third and final finishing run. This is why milk vodka is incredibly  London Dry
 ingredients into the gin infusion basket.  small-bath disitlled in a District 9 Distillery.  has a subtle flavor, but also a rich  provement of existing products. Our brand is
 medicinal or therapeutic properties.  Using a traditional copper pot still made by  history.  UK
 Premium dry gin distilled from wild juniper berries
 Botanicals are the ingredients used  DES, they combine 3 distilling method to  based on recognizable and long-lasting prod-

 from Estrela Mountain and nine other selected
 in gin to give it its unique taste.  ensure a smooth and unique gin. The 24 hour  ucts with impeccable finishing for which we
 botanical: lemon peel, kumquat, coriander seeds,
 Sandgrown Spirits use a variety of  Lydén Distillery is a craft distillery
 cassia, cinnamon, angelica root, nutmeg, almond  maceration of fresh Buddha's Hand and  provide an excellent price, performance and
 leaves, fruits, nuts, barks, seeds,  located in Sweden. Founded in
 and rose.  Macedonian juniper extracts the right amount
 roots, and flowers to impart a range  "Flintlock Navy Strength Gin - Traditionally styled  quality ratio.
 2019, by Roger & Emil Lydén, Father
 of flavors from the 2 botanicals, the copper  London Dry Gin, and then some! Unashamedly
 of flavors to their spirits.  old school, with a judicious streak of juniper
 Mrs. Jonston owes its sophisticated  & Son with a common interest –  running through it, the depth and complexity of
 pot distilling process gently marries all the
 flavour here is staggering and staggeringly
 character to a sophisticated selection  Swedish Craft Gin. Their Gin is  good! Bitter orange, clove, rooty woods & deep
 vapor infusing of fresh lotus flower adds a  spices, & despite its high alcohol levels the
 Perfect serves  produced in small batches with  alcohol is exceptionally well integrated, leaving a  By escalating into new markets and expand-
 of unique botanists from around the
 floral and recognizable note.  smooth mellowness on the palate. A gin-lover’s
 gin, made by a masterful savant/e. Utterly
 Classic: Juniper, cardamom, lemon zest and  Jonston  Gin  owes  its  distinctive  outstanding."
 world, high-quality Polish spirit and an
 carefully  selected  organic
 artisanal method of distillation. The
 premium tonic water.  character to a sophisticated selection  Situated in the picturesque countryside and overlooking the coastal peninsula of Western Lancashire  ing the  distribution  network, we  make  our
 resides one of the most unique and diverse distilleries in the region. Black Powder offers an extensive
 Their unique milk vodka and dry milk  botanicals.  The  craftsmanship  range of exciting products, all meticulously handmade in traditional copper pot stills. Along with gins
 Fresh fruity: apple, mint, juniper and
 gin is handcrafted in the heart of combination of, among others juniper, premium  of unique botanists from around the  judged to be some of the finest in the world, they also produce exquisite liqueurs, rums, whiskey, port and  products available to a large number of cus-
     They've visited distilleries before and loved watching
 Somerset, using Glastonbury spring  "A classic, well rounded, juniper-  makes  each  batch  and  bottle  over 40 delicious and entirely natural fruit gins to tantalise all taste-buds.
 coriander, angelica roots and seeds,
 water  infused  with  handpicked water.  forward  London  Dry  with  the  world, to high-quality Polish spirit and,
 organic botanicals fresh from local  licorice root, orange peel, kaffir leaves,  complexity of its botanical mix  unique.  the process of bringing natural products to life using  tomers, on all continents.
 farmers and award winning Wyke  kumquat,  cinnamon  stick  and  working its way through on the  above all, to the artisanal method of  COUNTRTY WINNER
 Farms. Distilled in copper to give a hibiscus flower and cassia cinnamon  nose. Easy to sip, clean and fresh,  distillation. The combination of juniper,  traditional methods. But they were wondering if that
 premium tonic water.
 distinctively smooth taste. Using  with  sweet  citrus  fruits,  orris,
 traditional  copper  stills  they were steam infused to further enhance  cardamon, and traditional herbs and  coriander, angelica root and seeds,  is something they could do? Is there room in the
 combine  together  local  organic  spices on the tongue."
 ingredients to create a spirit that is the notes of orange, grapefruit and  cassia  cinnamon,  cubeb  pepper,  market for another UK distillery?  DES  Subotica proudly accepts  feedback  in-
 authentic to it’s Somerset setting.
 Milk from happy cows at Wyke  rosemary. Meet Mrs. Jonston not only  ''A powerful, fragrant nose with  almonds, nutmeg and anise has been

 Farms and a little magic from has a subtle flavor, but also a rich  formation of satisfied customers who for over
 Glastonbury Chalice Well go into
 this divine bottle of the South West. ingredients
 The careful selection of the best history.  resinous  pine,  green  herbs,  steam infused with thyme and lemon,  They did their homework, visited distilleries, met
 All their ingredients are sourced  chamomile, white grapefruit, and  making every moment in his company  successful distillers and took their advice, applied for
 from local, ethical, cruelty free, rescue and
 of the Beira lands, along with the                        40 years enjoy the production of the highest
 Dorset's hand-crafted London Dry is well
 organic  and  pesticide  free  meadow grass. The palate  a unique experience. Get to know  licenses, got licenses, bought a baby copper still
 modernization  suppliers. Fresh from the farms distillation  Gin distilled using a copper still in
 small batches. They are using DES oiliness,
 straight to their stills.  balanced with a fantastic  Jonston not only through firm taste,  quality taditional drinks in DES still.
 techniques - which allow the preservation of  (named her Grace), sourced their ingredients, and
 120 liter copper still, which they
 warm spice, earthy juniper, and the  but also through a rich history.
 pure milk vodka
 all the unique aromatic characteristics that  called Guinevere!  started the journey. After plenty of wrong turns, they
 cut of grapefruit acidity. Some

 they intend to highlight - led to the creation  did it.
 orange and pepper notes in the                            Carefully reflecting on the needs of our cus-
 of the premium craft spirits, of which they
 finish. Super balance and control of
 The name Viper was born as they were preparing their plot to grow botanicals in Dorset, whilst clearing the long
 highlight  the  Aguardente  de  Medronho,  flavors and complexity.''  tomers, we adapted  and  perfected the prod-
 grass they came across a rare sight. A Viper! That seemed quite fortuitous, the name stuck, and they haven’t

 Aguardente de Cereja (Kirsch), Wild Snow  looked back since.  ucts. Today we enable customers to configure
 Jonston  Gin  owes  its  distinctive
 Dog Dry Gin and Wild Snow Dog Cherry Gin,
 character to a sophisticated selection
 sublime mountain nectars.                                 products according to their own requirements.
 of unique botanists from around the
 world, to high-quality Polish spirit and,                 We put the accent on creating premium prod-
 above all, to the artisanal method of
 Since then, they have grown rapidly and now
 distillation. The combination of juniper,                 ucts, capacity from 120 to 2000 L whose appli-
 have their own fully licensed Micro Distillery

 coriander, angelica root and seeds,                       cation results in the maximum flavor of the
 cassia  cinnamon,  cubeb  pepper,  in Chew Magna, and in late July they have
 almonds, nutmeg and anise has been  installed our 150L copper pot still. They  produced beverage.
 steam infused with thyme and lemon,  called her Louise.
 Second version of this premium gin, where wild
 making every moment in his company
 juniper is accompanied by Fundão Cherry from
 a unique experience. Get to know  There was only ever one place they would  We put special accent on the employment and
 the slopes of the Gardunha Mountain, the area of
 Jonston not only through firm taste,
 excellence for this fruit in Portugal. Fruity and  name their little company after and that is
 but also through a rich history.                          education  of persons  with  disabilities.  This
 distinguished, it is a true tribute to the region,  the owner's childhood playground, CHEW

 joining the two mountains for the best they offer.  They create small batches of authentic Scottish spirits and they distill them in the most interesting way. After of the  is confirmed by a sign of “FAIR PRODUCT“ by
 VALLEY. He's proud to be part
 It is easy to buy a bottle of drink,  using the very finest and sustainably sourced sugarcane and molasses from the Caribbean, they use local  be
 whisky casks from the Scottish Highlands to mature and finish their spirit. Just like the pilots, they are prepared to
 to go to the ends of the world to help their community and business be the best that can be. They believe in the  Association  of Companies  for  Professional
 representing their part of the world.
 beautiful far north of Scotland. Also, they believe in their products. And they believe in providing their
 customers with the highest quality, locally-distilled spirits they can create.  Rehabilitation  and Employment  of Persons
 Perfect serves
 but it is a pleasure to make it by yourself.
 Essential: Fundão cherry (fresh or preserved in           with Disabilities of the Republic of Serbia.
 kirsch) and premium tonic water.  Stroma is an island off Caithness. It used to be home for fishermen, crofters and, you guessed it, the pilots.
 Slowly people left the island and in 1997, the remaining residents (the lighthouse keepers and their family)
 Alternative: red fruits or combination of cherry  moved out too, leaving it uninhabited… The island is now owned by a family who use it to graze sheep - very
 lucky sheep we’d say! Sandy Stroma is as unique as the spirits it produces. In the Scotland Highlands, this
 with a complement - citrus, mint or apple - and  copper still called Stroma is doing her magic now. Her new owners at North Point Distillery are excited to do the
 experiments and make a high-quality rum, gin, and brandy with this whiskey helmet, brandy, and rum column, as
 premium tonic water.  well as a botanical gin basket.
 Lydén Distillery is a craft distillery
 located in Sweden. Founded in
 2019, by Roger & Emil Lydén, Father
 & Son with a common interest –
 Swedish Craft Gin. Their Gin is
 produced in small batches with
 carefully  selected  organic
 botanicals.  The  craftsmanship
 makes  each  batch  and  bottle
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