Page 15 - The Notice Board NOVEMBER 2020 edition 64
P. 15
November, 2020 Page 15
How do Entrepreneurs Think as would give up too soon
compared to Non-entrepreneurs? because they are bored of
here are psychological filters in the process of becoming waiting for business to grow. Or
an entrepreneur, which defines you as an employee or give up too soon before they
Tentrepreneur. Let us go through these filters shall we? reach enough target audience
· Perfectionist procrastination. to sell to. Or because the
A person will come up with all sort of procrastination excuses to project took so long to finish
“perfect” their idea. They will want a better design or bigger that they are not interested
team or perfect timing or training. anymore.
An entrepreneur on the other hand would take 20% of the core An entrepreneur is basically a
idea to market as soon as minimum requirements are met, to sniper. Most of their job is
waiting long periods of times
for things. Patience and
perseverance are the virtues of
an entrepreneur.
· Fail once never to
try again.
People try once and if they
failed they would not take
pickup any lessons and would
stick to their employers like a
gum in hair.
start the project that is available and then grow the rest of the As I always say “Failure is an
80% organically. investment with compound
· Self-esteem issues. interest”. An entrepreneur
This one goes both ways. Either they are afraid to fail because never gives up and learns to
they are afraid of what people would say about them if they fail. make the most out of their
Or they would not start because they think they are not good failures to make their own luck.
enough. So, if you have any of the above
An entrepreneur, on the other hand, doesn't mind what people inhibitions then take your free
think of them. All they care about is trying and if they fail they brown bag and join the line of
consider it a paid lesson for the next project's benefit. retirement plans freedom.
· Financial security risk aversion. Ali O. AlShamsi
Most employees never become entrepreneurs because they
want to keep their jobs to keep paying the bills. So they are
afraid of taking a risk with family and loans and so on.
An entrepreneur on the other hand would start small from
home -say, an online business that doesn't eat up his time or
resources. Fail and try again until he is covered and his business
is growing beyond the need of his job.
· Get bored/ give up too quickly.
Most people would start a business online, for example, and
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