Page 10 - The Notice Board NOVEMBER 2020 edition 64
P. 10

Page 10                                                                             November, 2020
           Page 10                                                                             October, 2008
               Piece of advice              Starting a business? No idea for one?
                                                  want to start a business,  inefficiencies  are  there.
        Continued from pg 9                      but I have no ideas for  The  world  is  far  from
       entrepreneurs? The reality
                                          Ione. How do I go about  perfect,  right?  When  you
       distortion field.
                                                                                get  deep  enough  into  a
       ·       Great  entrepreneurs
                                                                                specific  business,  it's  not
           simply do not waste time
                                                                                hard to find something that
           when they fail.
                                                                                could be improved. In fact,
       ·       They  pick  themselves
                                                                                if  you're  paying  attention
           up, they pick their teams
           up and they move forward                                             at all, the things that could
           as  soon  as  they  have                                             be improved will hit you in
           found  the  root  cause  of                                          the  face.  In  fact,  there's

           failures.                                                            probably  one  sitting  right
       ·       Their  curves  move                                              there  for  you  at  your
           forward like green.                                                  current  job  if  you  pay  a
       ·       Soon  in  a  few  years,  creating one?                          little closer attention.
           they figure out how not to     How  is  it  that  you,  someone      When  you  start  looking,
           fail,  and  they  eventually   w h o   h a s   a l w a y s   b e e n
           make  their  success           f a s c i n a t e d   w i t h

           curves  actually  look  like   entrepreneurship, is still stuck
           blue.                          at  square  one,  while  Jimmy

                                          down  the  street  just  got
       The one advice I have for all
                                          himself into a Ferrari by selling
       entrepreneurs,  project
                                          some  stupid  fidget  spinner
       managers  in  organizations:
                                          online?                               you'll find problems all over
       When you fail, do not worry
                                          I get it. It's frustrating. And       the  place.  Creativity  is
       at  all.  Find  out  why  you
                                          it's  not  like  you  can  lock       nothing  more  than  making
       failed, fix that problem and
                                          yourself into a room until you        connections  between  two
       move forward and eventually
                                          come  up  with  the  right            data  points  in  your  brain.
       you will succeed.
                                          business idea. Actually, that's
       Stay  blessed  and  stay                                                 And  here's  how  you  can
                                          the exact opposite of the way
       inspired!                                                                know  that  problem  more
       Rohit Malshe                       you'd  want  to  do  it.  Because     intimately  than  anyone
                                          you're not actually looking for       else.  You  start  solving  it
                                          a business. You're looking for        with  whatever  resources
           Do you need a                  a problem.                            you have today.
                                          The beauty of that is that you        I'm  assuming  you're  no
          Business Plan?                  don't  need  to  be  a  genius  to    multimillionaire  (yet)  so

                     Call                 find a problem. You just need         this  is  going  to  be  messy.
                                          to  experience  more,  taste          You'll  slap  together  janky
           020 8131656
                                          more,  observe  more.  The            software programs, bring in

                                                                                                     Continue on pg 11

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