Page 8 - The Notice Board NOVEMBER 2020 edition 64
P. 8

Page 8                                                                            November, 2020

                   How to                   Gifts Kyortaare Company Limited
                                            Continued from pg 3
             Startup Fears                  G-moringa  is  a  blend  of  spread  (both  smooth  and
                                            groundnuts and moringa leaves  crunchy))
        Continued from  pg 7
                                            (from  GIFTS  Farms)  and  Another product with both
        to  plug  the  holes  and
                                            other farmers                         groundnuts  and  soya  beans
        address  your  weaknesses?
                                                                                  coming from GIFTS Farms
        Are you a collaborator? Can
        you  energize  others  and
                                                                                  7. G-Agushie (for soups)
        build a support network? If
                                                                                  G-Agushie  also  blend  of
        you're  inclined  to  put  your
                                                                                  groundnuts  with  agushie
        head down and bull forward,
                                                                                  both  raw  materials  from
        think again.
                                                                                  GIFTS Farms
                Surround  yourself

                with  the  expertise
                you  don't  have  and
                your  start-up  fears
                are more likely to be

                o v e r c o m e .
                Remember,  as  an
                entrepreneur  you
                don't  have  to  be

                “everything.”  You          5. G-Ginger (for spread)
                just  have  to  try  to     G - G i n g e r   o f   G I F T S
                a n t i c i p a t e         groundnuts  with  carefully

                everything  (no  one        selected ginger from farmers
                d o e s )   a n d   b e     and processed by ourself
                resourceful,  finding
                the help and support                                              For  all  enquiries,  please
                you  need  to  go  the                                            contact GKCL on:

        Make  use  of  your  fears.                                               0 5 5   8 1 2 7 1 9 6   /   0 2 0
        Listen to them. Understand                                                6188838

        them.  Talk  to  them.  They                                    
        can teach you a lot. But they                                   
        are not the boss of you—or                                      
        shouldn't  be.  Empower                                         

        yourself  by  not  eliminating
        your start-up fears, but by
        meeting  them  head-on  and

        overcoming them.
        By Ron Koss

                                            6. G-Soya (for soups and for
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