Page 4 - The Notice Board NOVEMBER 2020 edition 64
P. 4
Page 4
November, 2020
What is Something that almost nobody
Mr. Scott later became proven over and over
Carnegie's mentor, which again in history that
lasted until 1878, when Scott this is true.
suffered a stroke that limited · College teaches
his ability to work. Despite what has been done in
this layoff in interaction, the the past, not what
relationship through the hasn't. Entrepreneurs
his is Mr. Andrew
previous years changed look forward. They
Carnegie, once the
Carnegie's future. observe the world
Trichest man in the
The experience gained working around them and
world. He arrived in America
closely to Scott was a vital anticipate market
with no money and with no
formal higher education. His ingredient in his extraordinary trends.
success in the steel industry. · T h e y e a r s a n d
parents decided to move the
Selling his company to JP money people spend
Carnegie family to the United
Morgan would later make “writing papers”
States in 1848 after a famine
Carnegie the wealthiest man in c o u l d b e s p e n t
hit the Scottish countryside.
the world and the extraordinary
When he arrived in America creating and starting a
philanthropist he later became.
at thirteen years old, he found s m a l l b u s i n e s s .
Now, to answer your question,
a job that would pay him $1.20 People learn much
what is something that almost
for a 70-hour week. more during one year
n o b o d y k n o w s a b o u t
During his free time, Carnegie in the startup world
read books loaned to him than the whole four
This is culinary school. It's very
from one of the local libraries. years in college. Also,
“similar” to Mr. Andrew
(Later in his life, he never forgot chances are, it will be
Carnegie's classroom.
how important these books were How is it similar? Chefs learn
to his life, so he donated his
money to building over 2,500
public libraries and important
educational institutions around
the world.)
When Carnegie was about 18
years old, Thomas Scott, the
owner of the Pennsylvania
R a i l r o a d C o m p a n y ,
· “But starting a
employed him as a telegraph
by doing. They test and b u s i n e s s w o n ' t
operator at a salary of $4.00
practice. They burn food, and g u a r a n t e e a n y
per week.
try again, and again, and again. success!” True. Does
By age 24, Mr. Scott saw great
T h e y s o m e t i m e s c u t any college guarantee
potential in the young
themselves, often it happens you a job, or give you
Carnegie, and asked him if he again and again. your money back?
c o u l d h a n d l e b e i n g People may know this, but No! They take your
superintendent of a division
hesitate to believe that … : money and run!
of the Pennsylvania Railroad
· A college degree is · Many people think
Company. He took the role,
not needed to become a that they need an
and his relationship with Mr.
s u c c e s s f u l M B A t o b e a
Scott grew stronger.
entrepreneur. It's been successful
Continue on page 5