Page 9 - The Notice Board NOVEMBER 2020 edition 64
P. 9
November, 2020 Page 9
Piece of Advice about Entrepreneurship
f you were to give a look like a very flowery life they failed.
fresh-out-of-high- where you just keep · They deny, they cry,
Ischool kid just one climbing up. they waste time, they get
piece of advice about · It seriously will not. depressed and so on.
entrepreneurship, what · You would fail, you would · Sometimes they are
would it be? Fresh kids out of fail a lot of times. financially broke and
c o l l e g e s t a r t i n g sometime mentally empty.
entrepreneurship! Welcome Reality:
to the real world. It is quite a · Here is what usually Suggestion: Do not worry at
positive thought, and happens with most people. all. You have time, and you can
pick yourself up and go
forward. Here is what you
Blue need to do.
· Find out why you failed
courageous as well. There is · When they fail, they
certainly no harm in trying if cannot even persist. as quickly as possible.
you have the talent, but here · They spend a lot of time · Get to the bottom of it.
are the caveats: in that state. · Learn something new.
· See that red curve in the · Alter your model or the
Perception: below? As soon as it dips way you carried yourself
· Shown below is a plot so that the chances of
of how things are failure are reduced.
perceived(blue) vs how · Move forward and try
they actually happen again.
(red). Scroll down and · Success will come to
read back. you soon enough.
· When people begin,
t h e y t h i n k t h a t You know what is the
everything will look like a down, people tend to spend difference between people
step jump going forward. a lot of time in that state. like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs,
· They think that it will · They don't find out why and other common
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