Page 6 - The Notice Board NOVEMBER 2020 edition 64
P. 6
Page 6 November, 2020
How to Overcome Start up Fears
Is the Path to
ew entrepreneurs What if I knew that I only
talk about "start-up got my toes in the water of
Worth it Considering
Ffear." But it's real, life, but never submerged
most Startups fail?
and if you don't deal with it, myself, never swam to the
it can stymie your success. other side because, through
Earth's Best Baby Foods my toes, I anticipated the
cofounder Ron Koss shows current to be impossible, or
how facing your fears can the other side undesirable,
be motivating and self- House parking lot (1984) or my expectations to be
where my wife and I were unattainable?
comanagers, and announced, The fear of such a life
“I've decided to do the overwhelmed my fear of
organic baby-food business. making a mistake, of failing
We've talked about it for in some way. To be clear, the
years. It's still a great idea. start-up anxieties did not
No one else has done it. Why disappear, but my resolve
not us? I'm doing it with you and readiness to go for
or without you.” And then he something I believed in
drove away leaving me in c a t a p u l t e d i n t o t h e
turmoil. foreground. It was a never
Here's the question that forgotten moment in my life.
dramatically settled into the The result was the founding
pit of my stomach, as I of Earth's Best Baby Foods,
enlightening--and in the watched Arnie's red van the first organic baby food
end, will help you make disappear down the street. company in the United
smarter business decisions. What if I lived my life and States, and now a $150
Here's a question to never “went for it” and never million dollar enterprise
c o n s i d e r i f y o u ' r e stuck with something through owned by the Hain Celestial
contemplating starting a thick and thin, no matter Group.
business. What would be what? What if I had to look
Here are 5 powerful tips to
worse: never leaping into an back on my life and face all either overcome your
idea you're passionate the reasons why my dreams s t a r t - u p f e a r s o r
alternatively honor them.
about because you're didn't come true and my
afraid to fail, or leaping ideals were never expressed? 1. A n s w e r t h e
into that idea with all question, “what if”
you've got, yet still possibly for yourself. There
having to face failure? a r e o n l y t w o
What is failure? I had to scenarios: if I do, and
confront this question if I don't…leap into
unexpectedly when my twin the start-up. So,
brother, Arnie, drove into make the quiet time
the Ronald McDonald Continue on pg 7