Page 2 - The Notice Board NOVEMBER 2020 edition 64
P. 2

Page 2                                                                        November, 2020
                  Gifts Kyortaare Company Limited

        Continued from pg 1
        for  my  employer  in  the          girl  and  prepared  me  to          G H   t r a i n i n g   o n
        offices  of  TechnoServe            embrace  opportunities  with         entrepreneurship,  has

        ( w h e r e   I   s o l d   m y     assertiveness  and  all  other       always pushed me to look at
        groundnuts paste as usual)          turbulences  in  business  with      things  differently.  I  was
        and  was  introduced  to            calmness  still  assessing  the      thought groundnuts farming
        Rejaad  who  immediately            underlining  opportunities  in       (there's a story for another

        introduced  me  to  the             the  storm.  Today  we  are          day)  by  Sumiala  Doho  of
                                            changing  the  face  of              Farmer  Pride,  Antika

                                            groundnuts  and  groundnuts          thought me all I needed to
                                            base products in Ghana and we        know  about  agrochemicals
                                            will  soon  enter  some  major       and work and happiness. My
                                            markets in Africa and beyond.        first large supply, Antika did
                                                                                 the cleaning and rebagging,

                                            Volunteerism also introduced         some  analysis  that  was
                                            me to most of the groundnuts         required by the buyer. I was
                                            producing  communities  we           learning.

               Our Commodities              work  with.  I  personally
               Include Sorghum                                                   GKCL would have remained in
                                            volunteered  my  services  to
        ENGINE  Business  Plan  C A V N E T   w h e n   t h e y
        Competition.  It  was  one  advertised for volunteers to

        j o u r n e y   o f   l e a r n i n g   empower girls in ICT, hygiene
        experiences  and  a  great  e t c .   S o m e   o f   t h e s e
        opportunity  to  network.  communities  became  my

        Awesome  encounter!  partners  in  groundnuts
        Directly  on  the  heels  of  p r o d u c t i o n   a n d   o t h e r
        ENGINE  came  the  Invest  c o m m o d i t i e s .   T h r o u g h
        in Africa Business Linkage  C A V N E T   I   a l s o   g o t

        Programme.                          introduced  to  Barcamp-Wa
                                            and I had the opportunity to
        This was the real thing! I  mentor  those  interested  in
        was  opportune  to  be  agribusiness  especially

        trained  by  some  of  the  f a r m i n g   a n d   o n
                                                                                          A maiden edition
        industry  expects  (my  entrepreneurship.  Today,                               of Gold in Soil award.
                                                                                          On ticket of MADE
        business  and  I  became  most  of  them  have  a  small
                                                                                 my handbag had it not been
        personal projects for some  b u s i n e s s   a t t a c h e d   t o
        of these industry expects).  w h a t e v e r   t h e y   f i n d         for  Mr.  Frederick  Odame
        E M P R E T E C - G H ' s   themselves doing.                            Phillips  and  Baba  Adongo
                                                                                 b o t h   f o r m e r l y   o f
        entrepreneurial training is
        what unearth the tenacity  In my line of business, I have                TechnoServe  who  saw  the
        and  boldness  in  me.  They  seen, the good, the ugly and               entrepreneur  in  me  and
        took away that shy, fearful  the horrible. The EMPRETEC-                 handed me over to Rejaad all
                                                                                 the others wouldn't have
                                                                                                    Continue on pg 3
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