Page 3 - The Notice Board NOVEMBER 2020 edition 64
P. 3

Page 3
          November, 2020
        Invaluable advice to                Gifts Kyortaare Company Limited
        give an entrepreneur
                                            Continued from pg 2
                                            followed.  We  have  worked  events,  EDGEcon,  and  many
       · Never call yourself an
           entrepreneur,  let               with some great partners such  more.
           others do it for you. I          as  the  NBSSI-Upper  West
           would  prefer  the               Region,  GiZ-MOAP,  MADE,  OUR FLAGSHIP PRODUCTS
           w o r d   ` b u s i n e s s      EBN  (ENGINE  Business
                                            Network),  EMPRETEC-GH,  Under  the  GIFTS  brand
       · I d e a s   a r e   n o t
           important, execution                                                  include but not limited to
       · Always  adapt  to  a                                                    1. G-Paste (For soups and for
           changing market
       · Get  a  job  first.  Get
           good at it, then start                                                This  is  carefully  selected
           your own business                                                     groundnuts  from  GIFTS
       · Focus  on  cash-flow.                                                   farms
           Getting revenues for
           the  least  possible
           costs.  Don't  think                                                  2. G-Chocolate (for spread)
           r e v e n u e   a l w a y s                                           A blend of groundnuts (from
           follows  costs.  So                                                   GIFTS Farms) and Chocolate
           many  people  get  a                                                  from  DecoCraft  and  other
           flash office, or other
           high  expenses,  as                                                   cocoa processors in Ghana
           they  assume  it  will
                                                       Gifts stand at a
           lead to more revenue                       farmers day event
       · Always  have  private
           investments  as  a               IIA.  CAVNET,  Barcamp-Wa,
           business  person.                etc. Since genesis of GKCL, we
           Never  rely  on  1               have  participated  in  many
                        Continue on page 14  trade shows/exhibitions such

                 To Advertise call                                                            Shelled raw
                   055 6533307
                   020 8131656
         URL:                                         3. G-Honey (for spread)
                     :                               A blend of groundnuts (from
                                                                                 GIFTS  Farms)  and  B-Diet,
                                                                                 Sakal  Foods  Ent  and  other
            THE TEAM                                                             renowned farmers

                  Dilton Consult
                Managing Editor:                                                 4. G-Moringa (for spread)
                   Ato Tandoh                                                                          Continue on pg 8
                Graphic Designer
                   Ato Tandoh                  Ms. Mabel Mwenyella-Zomabakorah Banye  Please Call us:
        Reporters/Marketing Executives:            Co-founder & Managing Director
               Maame Ama Tandoh                                                     055 6533307
              Yvonne N.L. Lamptey           a s   t h e   F a r m e r s   D a y     020 8131656
                   Naomi Zuut               Exhibitions,  Pre-harvest
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