Page 7 - The Notice Board NOVEMBER 2020 edition 64
P. 7

November, 2020                                                                                Page 7

                 How to Overcome Start up Fears

       Continued from pg 6
        to  answer  these  two                      leads to trouble on one
        questions  and  put  your                   hand,  but  possibility
        thoughts  in  writing.  You                 on  the  other.  They
        might  be  surprised  what                  envision  success  and

        emerges.                                    tend  to  be  enamored

             2.       D o n ' t   k e e p           with  their  great  idea
                 yourself  isolated  in             and  perhaps  even
                 a  vacuum.  Avoid                  themselves.  What
                 going  in  endless                 about  you?  Are  you                24/7  or  at  least

                 circles and torturing              preoccupied  with                    12/6,  your  start-up
                 yourself  with  “go                failure,  or  more                   fears  might  be  your
                 nowhere”  mental                   certain of success?                  friends.  Start-ups
                                                                                         are  demanding  in
                 gyrations. Break out               If  your  answer  is

                 and  talk  with  the               “failure,”  it's  a                  ways  that  are  likely
                 smartest people you                potential tip-off that               to  outstrip  your
                                                                                         i m a g i n a t i o n .   I f
                                                    there  may  be  some
                                                                                         you're not filled with
                                                    mismatch  between
                                                                                         passion, you may not
                                                    you  the  adventurer
                                                                                         have  the  necessary
                                                    and  the  prospective
                                                                                         fuel  to  escape  the
                                                    start-up  venture
                                                                                         force of gravity that
                                                    you're  imagining.  Go
                                                                                         all  start-ups  are
                                                    back  to  Tip  #1,  the
                                                                                         subject  to.  There's
                                                    “What  if”  question,
                 know.  Network.  Get                                                    no way to be halfway
                                                    and  imagine  that
                 perspective.  Be                                                        pregnant and there's
                                                    you're saying goodbye
                 c u r i o u s .   A s k                                                 no way to be half-way
                                                    to  your  idea.  You're
                 questions and engage                                                    starting up.
                                                    putting it to rest. Sit
                 with others who took                                                5.        Identify  your
                                                    with  that  for  a  few
                 the leap or chose not                                                   s t r e n g t h s   a n d
                                                    days.  Given  your
                 to. The input will be
                                                    nature, is that a good
                 s t i m u l a t i n g ,
                                                    decision or a bad one?
                 guaranteed,  and  the
                 next step(s) forward           4.        T r o u b l e   i s
                 might reveal itself.               inevitable,  so  don't
                                                    plan  on  avoiding  it.
             3.       K n o w   y o u r
                                                    Strategize  on  how
                 nature,  and  honor
                                                    you're  going  to  meet
                 i t .         M o s t
                                                    it. If this prospect is              w e a k n e s s e s .   I n
                 entrepreneurs  are
                                                    not  exciting  and                   relationship  to  your
                 eternal  optimists,
                                                    doesn't  galvanize  you              start-up idea, are you
                 a n d          t h i s
                                                    to  be  ready  to  work              resourceful enough
                 predisposition  often
                                                                                                    Continue on  pg 8
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