Page 12 - November2020
P. 12


                              Jen Ouyang – Radiologic Technologist

              “And though she be but little she is fierce.” This line from William Shakespeare’s A
       Midsummer Night’s Dream, is an excellent description of this month’s Star Performer. Less than a

       year ago, Jen cast other opportunities aside to become a member of our diagnostic imaging team.
       Since that time, Jen has quickly become a significant contributor to the team, as she has reliably

       and selflessly helped cover shifts or stay late when needed. Additionally, Jen has consistently
       ranked among the top 3 in the number of exams performed each month.

              The true performance indicator though, is not quantity, but quality. This is another area

       where Jen stands out. No matter how many exams she has performed, Jen has been able to
       maintain an unwavering level of quality. This consistency has caused the “JOY” on her lead
       markers to quickly become a hallmark of quality.

              Constantly exuding positive vibes, even in the most difficult situations, Jen’s fierce
       determination and endless positive energy have had a tremendous impact on all those she has

       interacted with. Every day, we are increasingly grateful that Jen chose to bring her joy to
       Bayview. Thank you for all that you do.
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