Page 13 - DURHAM CITIZEN MAY 24TH 2021_Neat
P. 13     May 24, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   13

        IMAGINE THIS:                                                                                                 locally.
                                                                                                                      Meanwhile, while people are dropping dead
                                                                                                                      like flies in T&T, the country’s  Prime
        Grenada sends 10,000 COVID-19                                                                                 Minister, Dr. Keith Rowley is still blaming
                                                                                                                      everyone but himself and the clueless
        vaccine doses to Trinidad & Tobago                                                                            government he leads, for the out-of-control
                                                                                                                      COVID crisis in the country.
                                                                                                                      The country recorded 637 new cases and
                                                                                                                      nine more deaths on Sunday.
        A donation from the Government of    The Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard                                        In the Ministry of Health's daily 4 pm
        Grenada of 10,000 doses of AstraZeneca   transported the vaccines to T&T.                                     update, active cases have increased to 9,607
        COVID-19 vaccines has arrived in Trinidad   The Minister thanked National Security                            with 8,331 patients in home self-quarantine,
        and Tobago.                          Minister Fitzgerald Hinds and the Trinidad                               458 in hospital receiving treatment, and 181
        Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs   and Tobago Defence Force for responding                              patients in step-down facilities waiting to
        Dr Amery Browne, Ambassador of Trinidad   swiftly to the need for transportation of                           be discharged.
        and Tobago to the Caribbean Community   COVID-19 vaccines from within the region   Today I was pleased to receive 10,000 doses of   As of Sunday afternoon, the country has
        Frances Seignoret, and Principal     to Trinidad and Tobago.               AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines that were   recorded 23,638 covid19 cases since the first
                                                                                   generously donated by the Government and
        Pharmacist (Ag), Ministry of Health Anesa   The latest donation of vaccines will be used   people of Grenada.   infection on March 12, 2020. From this
        Doodnath-Siboo, received the vaccines at   to advance the country’s vaccination                               total, 13,552 people have recovered.
        Piarco International Airport on behalf of   programme at this critical juncture in its   T&T's Ambasador to CARICOM Her Excellency   The recent deaths have brought the toll to
        the Government of Trinidad and Tobago.   management of the COVID-19 outbreak   Frances Seignoret.             479.

           Jamaica ranked 37th happiest                              Barbados PM Mottley says

            country in the world
                                                                     international clearing

                                            Jamaica is a far happier place than it was
                                                  a year ago, despite the
                                                       ravages of the                    COVID-19  house needed for vaccines
                                                                                              according to
                                                                            results from the World
                                                                      Happiness Report for 2021.
                                                                Jamaica is ranked as the 37th  Prime Minister Mia Mottley said Thursday that there
                                                             happiest country in the world,  is a need to create an international clearinghouse for
                                                     making it the happiest nation in the  the purchase and sale of COVID-19 vaccines.
                                                         Caribbean with a score of 6.309,  Virtually  addressing  the  International  Economic
                                                    according to the United Nations-  Forum on Latin America and the Caribbean, Mottley
                                   supported report which was released on Friday.  said: “It cannot be that countries that are here have to
           The latest results compares to a ranking of 60 in last year's   be the victim of middlemen, in circumstances where
           report, representing an improvement of 23 places.         global  pharmaceutical  companies  are  saying  they
           Jamaica's old ranking is now taken by Croatia.            only deal with countries. But in reality, they have dealt
           Jamaica's 37th place is just below Brazil (35) and Mexico (36),   with…very few of the small countries, but have had
           and just above Lithuania (38).
                                                                     small countries having to deal with middlemen, who
                                                                     are selling the vaccines at a premium.”
               Interestingly, Trinidad and Tobago which ranked 42    “The  presence  of  that  international  vaccine
               last year, was not included on this year's list of 150.  clearinghouse and the presence of a global summit on
                                                                     COVID-19  will  allow  us  to  coordinate  our  actions,
                                                                     both in terms of restrictors, even 16 months later, and
           The World Happiness Report normally surveys the state of   it will allow us to  be able to fight the race against
           global happiness and rank countries by their happiness levels   variants.”
           by examining elements such as GDP per capita, social      Mottley said over 500,000 people in Latin America
           support, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make life    and the Caribbean had died from the virus in the last
           choices, perceived corruption and generosity.             16 months and millions of people worldwide had been
           However, with the COVID-19 pandemic globally, the report   impacted by it.
           for 2021 focused primarily on the relationship between public   She pointed out that the world came together in 1945
           well-being and the pandemic, which made collecting        to solve problems of that time, and suggested that a
           responses from around the 149 countries surveyed          similar approach should be taken now.
           particularly challenging.                                 “Can we not seek to put a pause and to bring global
           "This year's Happiness Report was faced with a unique     leadership and coordination to the issues of how we
           challenge in trying to understand what effect the pandemic   contain  COVID  within  our  borders,  how  we  allow
           has had on subjective well-being and vice versa," the     movement,  how we deal with  the  issue of vaccine
           organisation behind the report said in a statement. "Of all   equity, and…how we can bring the world back to a
           the factors usually supporting happiness, the most important   point where we can resume growth, but growth that is
           for explaining COVID-19 death rates were people's trust in   green,  that  is  resilient,  and  that  is  inclusive?”  she   “
           each other, and confidence in their governments," it added.  asked.
           This trust, report editors said, is one of the main reasons that   The Prime Minister expressed the view that if global,   It cannot be that countries that are here
           Finland remains the happiest country in the world for the   moral,  strategic  leadership  was  in  place,  then   have to be the victim of middlemen, in
           fourth consecutive year.                                  countries would  not  be  fighting at  many  levels, as   circumstances where global pharmaceutical
           Meanwhile, Jamaicans are perceived to be significantly     currently obtained.                            companies are saying they only deal with
           happier than people from the island of Hispaniola, with the   She  said  there  was  a  need  for  a  more  universal,   countries. But in reality, they have dealt
           Dominican Republic ranked at 73 — compared to 68 last year   automatic, debt standstill arrangement that captured   with…very few of the small countries, but
           - and Haiti ranked close to the bottom at 143, compared to   the public and private sector debt. The Debt Service
           142 last year.                                            Suspension Initiative (DSSI), she stated, was timely   have had small countries having to deal with
           Interestingly, Trinidad and Tobago which ranked 42 on the   when announced last year and a welcomed measure,   middlemen, who are selling the vaccines at a
           list last year, was not included on this year's list, along with   but was way too limited.              premium.”
           most Caribbean islands, including Cuba, Puerto Rico and   Mottley  recommended  the  universal  adoption  by   “The presence of that international vaccine
           countries in the Leeward and Windward chains.             borrowers  and  lenders,  including  international   clearinghouse and the presence of a global
           Other Central American countries with Caribbean shores    financial  institutions,  of  natural  disaster  and   summit on COVID-19 will allow us to
           ranked higher than Jamaica, with Costa Rica ranked at 16,   pandemic clauses in lending arrangements.    coordinate our actions, both in terms of
           Guatemala at 30, and Mexico at 36.
                                                                     “If we can do this for natural disaster clauses and for
           Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua and Honduras were                                                            restrictors, even 16 months later, and it will
                                                                     pandemics, we provide certainty to both the lender
           exceptions, scoring lower than Jamaica at 41, 52, 55 and 59,                                             allow us to be able to fight the race against
                                                                     and the borrower in a way that is not there today…If we
           respectively.                                                                                            variants.”
                                                                     accept that disaster clause or the pandemic clause, it
           With the survey ranking Finland as the happiest country, the
                                                                     will provide 100 times the liquidity of the DSSI and
           top five was rounded out by Denmark (2), Switzerland (3),                                                             - Prime Minister Mia Mottley
                                                                     quicker, and I ask us to seriously consider these issues
           Icelamd (4) and the Netherlands (5). The top 10 also includes
                                                                     as  we  work  to  reform  the  international  financial
           Norway, Sweden, Luxembourg, New Zealand and Austria.
                                                                     architecture, in circumstances where it has not been
           The United States saw its happiness rating slip slightly from
                                                                     the subject of serious reform,” she informed.
           18 to 19, two places below the United Kingdom at 17.
                                                                     The prime minister noted that Barbados had been
           At the bottom of the list of 149 countries was Afghanistan
                                                                     seriously  impacted  by  the recent ash  fall  from  the
           with a score of 2.523. The African nations of Zimbabwe,
                                                                     volcanic eruption in St Vincent, and it had to carry the
           Rwanda and Botswana were also at the bottom of the listing.
                                                                     costs of that natural disaster.
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