Page 14 - DURHAM CITIZEN MAY 24TH 2021_Neat
P. 14

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       May 24, 2021

                For many of us, the  COVID-19 pandemic makes for a very uncertain future. People worry about their own health and the health of their loved ones
                as well as concerns around school or work, their finances, their ability to take part in important community and social events and hobbies.   SATIRE
                With that in mind, we’ve decided to add a little satire to relieve some of the daily stress felt by all. Enjoy!

        Trump worried Biden will take

        credit for the almost 600,000

        COVID deaths he made possible

                                                         claiming that without
                                                               his strategy of
                                                                 discouraging mask
                                                                  use and pretending
                                                                    the virus would go
                                                                    away on its own,   GASPING, OUT-OF-SHAPE OLYMPIANS
                                                                 the nation would
                                                              never have been able
                                                           to make it to a quarter  BEG IOC TO POSTPONE GAMES
                                                        million deaths, let alone
                                                      a half million.
                                                      “It wasn’t Biden who spent
                                                           months refusing to
                                                            attend the coronavirus  LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND - Gearing up for   As I was saying, the effect of so much time on the
                                                                 task force meetings.  the Tokyo Games after a yearlong delay due to   couch during those lock-downs kind of snuck up
                                                                     That was all me.  Covid-19, a group of gasping, out-of-shape   on us. We were in top condition and ready to go
                                                                  The case numbers,  athletes representing a variety of different sports   last year, but…speaking of couches, do you mind
        PALM BEACH, FL- Seething over   the hospitalizations, the deaths -   reportedly pleaded with the International   if we sit down?
        the fact he was no longer in the   they’ve all been plummeting since  Olympic Committee Friday to postpone the   A lifestyle of rigorous training, diet, and exercise
        Oval Office as pandemic casualties   I left office.                  event for another summer or two.         was impossible to maintain with gym closures
        reached a new milestone, former   Clearly, the new guy doesn’t have   “Please, esteemed committee members, as you   and stay-at-home orders.
        President Trump expressed worry   what it takes, and yet all the   know, everyone was stuck at home this past year,   Just give us another year or so, and we’ll be back
        Monday that President Biden    crooked news media wants to talk   and it was hard to stay active, let alone in peak   in top form.
        would take credit for the almost   about is Joe Biden. Unbelievable.”   shape,” said the panting, beer-bellied diver David   But for the moment, holy sh#t, could I just get
        600,000 Covid deaths the Trump   At press time, Trump was        Boudia, a four-time Olympic medalist who spoke   a glass of water? I’m about to pass out.”
        administration had made possible.   brimming with pride after hearing   at IOC headquarters on behalf of the several   At press time, the athletes and the IOC
        “No other president could have   a presidential historian on     dozen runners, swimmers, and gymnasts    announced they had reached a satisfactory
        pushed death rates that high, and   television suggest the plague would   doubled over behind him.        compromise wherein, for this year only, steroid
        now that bastard is swooping in at   be remembered years from now as   “We athletes would really appreciate it if you’d   use would be allowed and encouraged.
        the end of this pandemic and   “Trump’s pandemic.”               consider delaying - hang on. Christ, that was a
        stealing my thunder,” said Trump,                                lot of stairs. Just give me a minute. Okay.

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                       ARIES: (Born between 21st March & 20th April)                              LIBRA: (Born between 23rd September & 22nd October)
                       If something isn’t quite clear don’t take the risk and go ahead anyway,    It could start to become obvious that something is not going to
                       hoping it will work its way out. Anything you say or promise could be      progress as quickly or smoothly as you thought without a lot of extra
                       easily misunderstood by somebody else, or it could be the other way        work and effort on your part. This is not something you will
                       around. This can either lead to hold ups or having to deal with            necessarily be pleased to do. This could simply be the beginning of a
                       reversals that could be difficult to navigate to mid June.                   process that will take to mid June before a clear goal will emerge.
                       TAURUS: (Born between 21st April & 20th May)                               SCORPIO: (Born between 23rd October & 21st November)
                       This is not a good time to commit yourself to anything financially. It      The desires somebody else has may not fit in with your goals, which
                       might also be that expenses you didn’t see coming will present             can be rather annoying. In some ways you could feel you have been
                       themselves. There should be a way of working that out by late June. If     wasting your time. It will simply be a matter of getting back to
                       you have lent money in the past and been disappointed in not having        organising whatever you need to put in place. In the end you could
                       it repaid, now would be the time to pursue it again.                       realise it has been more fortunate for you for this to happen.
                       GEMINI: (Born between 21st May & 20th June)                                SAGITTARIUS: (Born between 22nd November & 21st December)
                       Mercury, your ruling planet, which is in your sign for a very long time    The Lunar Eclipse this week will occur in your own sign. This can light
                       until mid July will place you in a reviewing situation from this week      up your life in a most fortunate manner enabling you to realise
                       until 23rd June. This is not the time to push things. You might also       benefits that could be developed probably more next year. You may
                       have to deal with reversals of some description. Don’t go ahead with       need to deal with somebody else changing their mind from now to
                       anything that is confusing or unclear this week.                           mid June. Don’t attempt to sort anything out on their behalf.
                       CANCER: (Born between 21st June & 22nd July)                               CAPRICORN: (Born between 22nd December & 19th January)
                       You can feel agitated, especially with any situations that seemed to       You cannot afford to be distracted by others, as you need to remain
                       have a clear path ahead that suddenly become quite the opposite.           focussed on routines already in place or those you are putting in
                       There is too much either going on behind the scenes or out of your         place. Don’t take on any extra work for the benefit of somebody else.
                       control for you to be able to take any clear cut action that would bring   Communication can increase in some way. This can have its appeal
                       a satisfactory result. Just let things unfold, as they will.               but you need to remain focussed on dealing with details.

                       LEO: (Born between 23rd July & 22nd August)                                AQUARIUS: (Born between 20th January & 18th February)
                       Things could begin to take a slower pace when it comes to contact and      You could find some time from now to mid October to slow down and
                       involvement with other people. You could catch up with friends you         contemplate the changes that have taken shape in your life since
                       have not seen in a while from now to mid June. The true intentions of      Christmas. You could feel challenged this week between what needs
                       somebody else might be hard to ascertain this week. The main thing         to be done or routines you know should be in place and pleasurable
                       is to keep on track with your own priorities.                              activities. These can be rethought from now to mid June.

                       VIRGO: (Born between 23rd August & 22nd September)                         PISCES: (Born between 19th February & 20th March)
                       Be very careful from now to late June about taking up obligations you      Committing yourself to something you may have either been avoiding
                       have previously moved on from or having to sort out something              or haven’t been keen to take on could now be seen as beneficial by
                       somebody else has not done properly. Make no mistake – others will         you. This does not mean you see it as enjoyable but rather something
                       be looking to be as free as they can be and not tied down by detail. It    that will eventually lead to a greater level of underlying security. This
                       is up to you to put your own priorities first.                              may take until late June to be fully sorted.
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