Page 5 - DURHAM CITIZEN MAY 24TH 2021_Neat
P. 5     May 24, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5

        Building the future

        health care system in

        Durham Region

        Pickering, Whitby or Oshawa? Lakeridge Health begins

        site search process for new hospital

        Durham Region – While Lakeridge   new hospital in Durham Region is a                    Region and define the future of a   The Independent Expert Panel will
        Health  continues  to  remain   major component of the hospital’s                       coordinated system of health care   be responsible for all aspects of the
                                      Master  Plan,  which  serves  as  a
        vigilant  during  the  third  wave  of   care  delivery  in  Durham  Region.  “         for  generations  to  come,”  said   site  selection  process,  including
        the COVID-19 pandemic, planning   roadmap  for  the  future of  health                  Sharon  Cochran,  Chair  of  the   establishing  criteria  to  evaluate
        has resumed on the commitment                                “This will benefit all of Durham   Board  of  Trustees,  Lakeridge   each site  that  is  brought  forward
        to  build  a  long-term,  robust  and   Based  on  demand,  evidence,  and   Region and define the future of   Health. “It will be important that   from  interested  parties.  After
        integrated,  regional  health  care   growth  projections,  Lakeridge   a co-ordinated system of   the path forward focuses on unified   evaluating  all  site  proposals,  the
        system for the residents of Durham   Health  is  planning  for  inpatient   health care for generations to   support of a new hospital facility in   Panel will make a recommendation
        Region.                       bed growth of almost 1,000 beds to   come,” said Sharon Cochran,   Durham  Region,  the  learnings of   for the preferred site to the Board of
        “As we manage this third wave, we   meet  projected  demand  over  the   chair of the board of trustees   other  hospitals,  and  the  siting   Trustees,  who  will  then  make  a
        are  beginning  to  re-focus  on   next 25 years. Anchoring this plan   for Lakeridge Health.   requirements required to support   recommendation to the Minister of
        system  building,  as  part  of  our   are  recommended  key  capital   “It will be important that the   our Master Plan.”  Health on which site to protect for
        vision of One System, Best Health.”   investments  and  upgrades,   path forward focuses on   This  work  to  protect  a  site  for  a   future hospital use.
        said Cynthia Davis, President and   including  the  expansion  and                      proposed  new  hospital  will  be   As this process unfolds, Lakeridge
                                                                     unified support of a new
        CEO, Lakeridge Health. “While we   redevelopment  of  Bowmanville                       focused on a clear, transparent, and   Health  will  announce  additional
                                                                     hospital facility in Durham
        resume this important work, it will   Hospital and the new hospital.                    well-communicated process. It will   details on the Independent Expert
                                                                     Region, the learnings of other
        be  critical  that  key  pandemic   Lakeridge  Health’s  Board  of                      be  overseen  by  the  Board  of   Panel,  the  selection  process,  and
                                                                     hospitals, and the siting
        learnings, and how the delivery of   Trustees  has  determined  that  an                Trustees  and  implemented  by  an   timelines.
                                                                     requirements required to
        medical  and  health  care  has   important  step  forward  is                          Independent  Expert  Panel.  The   The  process  will  include  regular
                                                                     support our Master Plan.”
        changed  as  a  result,  inform  the   launching  the  process  for                     Panel will be supported and guided   c o m m u n i c a t i o n s   a n d
        future  development  of   the   identifying and protecting a site for                   by an independent Executive Lead,   opportunities  for  community
        Lakeridge Health system.”     a proposed new hospital                                   and a Fairness Advisor will also be   input  at  defined  milestone
        The  proposed  development  of  a   “This  will  benefit  all  of  Durham                appointed.                    activities.

                                                                   New mortgage stress test rules

                                                                   will make it harder for

                                                                   first-time homebuyers: experts

                                                                                                in the air, however.          "We  are  seeing  a  lot  of  people
                                                                                                According to Walks, the short time   asking  questions,  there's  a  lot  of
                                                                                                span  between  now  and  June  1   confusion in the marketplace, so I
                                                                                                would allow just a few homebuyers   find  a  lot  of  false  information
                                                                                                to squeeze in purchases this week.  because  the  information  keeps
                                                                                                On the other hand, McFadyen said   changing," McFadyen said.
        Canada's new mortgage stress test   home and that a majority of them   Toronto urban planning professor   that  we're  more  likely  to  see  "a   "You know, again, I think it's one of
        rules are going to make purchasing   w o u l d   b e   t a k i n g   i n s u r e d   David Hulchanski in an email.  sprint to the finish line here in the   those situations where clearly the
        homes  a  bit  harder  for  first-time   mortgages.         Hulchanski  said  that  real  estate   n e x t  s e ve n   t o  1 0   d ay s "   o f   government or whoever is involved
        homebuyers, according to several   Such insured mortgages are loans   associations  and  home  builders   homebuyers  finalizing  their   in making these decisions should
        mortgage  and  housing  policy   that have less than 20 per cent of   would also be impacted, as houses   purchases before the June date.  be  communicating  much  more
        experts.                      the property's down payment paid,   that  aren't  sold  or  built  would   What  he  says  is  another  serious   clearly -- people are not actually in
        The  new  rules,  which  are  set  to   but come riddled with more rules,   decrease profits for them, though   issue  about  the  change  is  just  a   a position to [make] a change seven
        come  into  effect  June  1,  ups  the   regulations and guidelines.  the major players in the Canadian   plain lack of communication and   days  before  it  goes  into  effect
        minimum qualifying rate, which is   "There is going to be an impact. It's   housing market, such as multiple   clarification from the government.  without a lot of clarity."
        a gauge of whether borrowers can   not, as we talked about, a dramatic   property owners, aren't going to be
        handle  payments  should  interest   impact,"  said  McFayden  in  an   affected  at  all  due  to  the  "huge
        rates increase.               interview  with  Global  News  on   income and wealth gap."
        According  to  the  Office  of  the   Saturday.              "So the changes on June 1 will only
        Superintendent  of  Financial   According to him, the changes are   affect a small number of potential
        Institutions  (OSFI),  which   not likely to impact the market in   first-time buyers and those playing
        confirmed the upcoming changes   the  same  way  as  when  the  stress   the  market  who  are  not  very
        on Thursday, the rates would rise to   test last changed.  wealthy," he wrote.
        either the contracted rate plus two   The 2018 stress test change reduced   University  of  Toronto  geography
        percentage points or 5.25 per cent -  borrowing  power  by  22  per  cent   and  planning  professor  Dr.  Alan
        - whichever is higher of the two.  while  this  year's  change  would   Walks also agreed that the changes
        Several  mortgage  and  housing   reduce  borrowing  power  by  only   would likely have an effect, albeit
        policy  experts  have  told  Global   about four to five per cent, he said.  small, on the housing market.
        News that the rise would make it   Several  other  experts  said  that   "I think one of the banks estimated
        more difficult for some to qualify   while there would be some impact   the changes will reduce purchasing
        for a mortgage in the short-term.  o n   g r o u p s   l i k e   fi r s t - t i m e   power  by  something  like  four  or
        Vancouver-based mortgage broker   homebuyers, the changes would be   five  per  cent,  so  not  huge  on  its
        Alex McFadyen said that first-time   very slightly felt as a whole across   own,"  said  Walks  in  an  email
        homebuyers in particular are likely   the Canadian housing market.  Saturday.
        going  to  be  impacted  the  most   "Subtle changes  in the stress test   Whether  or  not  an  influx  of
        from the new rules because they're   rules have little impact. Yes, first-  potential  homebuyers  will  be
        likely to not have as much equity as   time  buyers  on  the  margins  get   scrambling  to  finalize  their
        those who've already purchased a   hurt slightly," wrote University of   purchases ahead of June 1 is still up
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