Page 7 - DURHAM CITIZEN MAY 24TH 2021_Neat
P. 7     May 24, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7

                                                'Outlook for Jamaica Remains

                                                Positive'- JN Bank Executive

        Petal James, chief of         in  JN  Bank  from  Canada,  money
        branches at JN Bank           transfer  services,  and  paying
        says despite the many         property  taxes  through  JN  Bank                   “
                                      were discussed.
        financial and social           Miss  James,  who  was  guest
        setbacks, caused by           speaking  at  the  first  information   Emile Spence, chief representative officer, said the plan is to host a
        the COVID-19 global           session held this month, told the   series of monthly meetings to keep JN Bank members informed and
        pandemic, the outlook         audience that JN Bank continues to   up to date about financial happenings in Jamaica.
                                      be  competitive  in  the  mortgage
        for Jamaica remains           market  and  the  commercial     "The meetings will be facilitated by and hosted through various
        positive, with several        banking  space,  pointing  out  that   Jamaican-Canadian community organisations so that we can
        opportunities for             the  company's  mortgage  product   directly connect with our customers and members," he said.
        investment and growth         offerings remain attractive for local   T opics of interest, such as the various services offered by
        on the horizon.               and overseas investors.          The Jamaica National Group, banking in Jamaica in the
                                      She further noted that industries,
                                      such  as  construction  and  real   pandemic, saving in JN Bank from Canada, money transfer services,
        Miss James, who was speaking at a   estate remain solid in Jamaica, for   and paying property taxes through JN Bank were discussed.
        recent virtual information session   i n s t a n c e   a s   d e m a n d   f o r
        hosted  by  the  JN  Bank  Canada   commercial  and  residential  real
        Representative  Office  and  the   estate  remains  high  and  interest
        Jamaica  Association  of  Montreal,   rates on mortgages are still low.   pandemic, figures for January this   therefore, Jamaica is withstanding   remittances  have  increased  by
        said the country is still positioned   She  further  posited  that  tourism   year show that the unemployment   the storm fairly well," Miss James   nearly  two-fifths  since  the
        to move forward.              would rebound, adding that when   rate has improved, reducing to 8.2   said.            pandemic.
        "We  are  optimistic  that  those   it  does,  property  owners  could   per cent from 12.3 per cent in July   She said Bank of Jamaica data for   Miss James invited persons to visit
        sectors  worst  affected,  and  the   realise significant returns on their   2020.        January  2021  show  Jamaica's  Net   for  further  information  on
        stock market, will all rebound. In   real estate investments.   "The  decisions  of  the  past  three   International  Reserves  are  robust   mortgage  financing  and  other
        Jamaica, even as our highest earner,   "Beyond  the  construction  of   administrations have prepared the   with  more  than  US$3  billion  set
        the  tourism  industry,  faces  its   buildings,  road  improvement   country  for  these  times  and,   aside  to  respond  to  shocks  and   banking opportunities.
        greatest  challenge  in  its  history,   projects  continue,  with  the
        there  are  many  opportunities   extension  of  the  Highway  2000
        lurking, as aspects of the economy   from  May  Pen,  Clarendon  to
        are buoyant," she said.       Williamsfield,  Manchester, which
        The  virtual  information  session   will only further increase the price
        was held in the absence of face-to-  of real estate in parts of Clarendon
        face meetings, due to restrictions   and Manchester and the quality of
        imposed  because  of  the  global   your investment," she informed.
        p a n d e m i c  a n d   a  s e r i e s  o f   Miss  James  also  added  that  the
        lockdowns in Canada.          construction of  the  Montego  Bay
        Emile Spence, chief representative   B y p a s s   s h o u l d   a l s o   s p u r
        officer,  said  the  plan  is  to  host  a   development  in  other  parts  of  St
        series of monthly meetings to keep   James and Hanover.
        JN Bank members informed   and   The development of  the  highway
        up  to  date  about  financial   from  St Thomas  to  Portland,  has
        happenings in Jamaica.        already begun to increase property
        "The meetings will be facilitated by   values in St Thomas, she said.
        and  hosted  through  various   "Jamaica is down, but not out, as
        Jamaican-Canadian  community   other  indices  indicate  that  the
        organisations  so  that  we  can   economy is holding its own," Miss
        d i re c t ly  co n n e c t  w i t h  o u r   James pointed out.
        customers and members," he said.   She informed that unemployment
        Topics  of  interest,  such  as  the   figures  from  the  Statistical
        various  services  offered  by  The   Institute  of  Jamaica  show  that
        Jamaica National Group, banking   although many faced job cuts and
        in Jamaica in the pandemic, saving   layoffs in the early months of the
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