P. 120
Relatos de transformación y esperanza
llamas, cats, donkeys and many more animals. We
were in a dog show and in the middle of the event,
it started raining and hailing hard with a lot of
breeze, the dogs were sent back to their shelters.
There were doors that were made of bamboo and
they began to open and close in that place. Then a
tree branch fell off and some traders arrived selling
umbrellas, after a while everything calmed down a
bit. Unfortunately, we had to leave the stage and
my father was very worried about his car, but
nothing happened to it. As we were going to the
parking lot, there was a horse show. Some of us
wanted to stay and others did not, so we left the
show. Finally, we had a coffee and I had a
cappuccino, it was very hot that I burned my
tongue. This was my adventure in Eje Cafetero.