P. 124

Relatos de transformación y esperanza

                               You have a lot of time to create, don't forget

                               You can take your fear into love.
                               Go  back  and  see  how  you  drew  without  pressure,
                               find your essence

                               REMINDER: Don't push yourself, life is not a race.


                                              Andrés Felipe Mora Herrera

                               There was once a world, that was being attacked by

                               all the bad practices of men, that world is the one I
                               inhabit and that world cried every day, because its

                               rivers were polluted, its trees were being cut down,
                               its ozone layer has been diminishing and its seas had
                               less and less fauna. Until an opportunity arrived in
                               the  form  of  a  pandemic  to  be  able  to  recover

                               everything,  since  in  these  months  of  isolation  we
                               have become more conscious of taking care of and

                               reserving the world in which we live in.

                                                      THE PANDEMIC
                                             Juan Sebastian Jaimes Vargas

                                It  all  started  in  late  2019  when  the  virus  called
                               covid-19 appeared in China. This virus is so strong

                               and  contagious  that  it  shortly  spread  all  over  the
                               world,  so  we  have  to  be  protected.  Many  people
                               have died, schools have closed and classes are now


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