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The Teacher’s Toolbox

                        This page shares some of the greatest in

                                       teacher resources.

            ColorÍn Colorado! is a “go to” website for working with English language

            learners with tips on scaffolding lessons, communicating with parents
            and professional development devoted to best practices in teaching ELL

            Google Arts & Culture is website that has been growing over the past few years and
            growing increased traction with teachers of all subject areas. The GAC site houses a
            multitude of artwork, fun, interactive games for learning various aspects of art, arti-
            cles on integrating art in the classroom, and virtual explorations of art museums
            around the world. It is worth checking out the site as you plan for this school year!

            When it comes to reading, the University of Florida Literacy Institute is a great place
            to find free resources, digital apps for beginning readers and dyslexia support.
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