Page 6 - Vol 10 Fall 2022 Newsletter_Neat
P. 6

Working Online | Professional Connections

                 The following images represent popular podcasts on a variety of topics
                 and fields. A link is embedded in each image so you can click on the pod-
                 cast image and hear for yourself!

        Click on
        the pic!

        Click on
       the pics!

                      AMLE is an organization for middle school level teachers. Journals, resources,
                      educational books centered on middle school learning, and a yearly confer-
                      ence give middle school teachers support and inspiration! Membership is $50
                      per year. This year’s conference is in sunny Orlando!

                                                                                         One of the coolest or-
      Click on the                                                                       ganizations around
                                                                                         when it comes to con-
                                                                                         ferences. Who doesn’t
                                                                                         like education mixed
                                                                                         with technology! Check

                                                              OER for social             out their website for the
                                                              studies is an awe-         latest in tech tools and
                                                              some organization          effective ways to use
        Click on                                              with year long             them.
        the pic!                                              FREE curriculum &

                                                              resources. Their
                                                              FREE international
                                                              conference held in
                                                              August was a treat!
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