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On the Road

           traditionalists and the   1800s. These working-class,   else, and business owners
           adventurous, who tend to   predominantly Jewish bakers   far from the city have tried
           love her black-olive bagels   sold thousands of small,   to take advantage of this
           with honey-rosemary cream   dense, hard-crusted rounds   by using “New York” or
           cheese. Her business model,   daily on the street. As bagels   “Brooklyn” in their store
           meanwhile, was 100 percent   grew in popularity through
           modern: She started her   the first half of the 1900s, so   Water Bagel Co., based in
           Porter Square bagel café as   did efforts to mass-produce
           a pop-up in the back of a   them: In 1954, Connecticut-  the composition of New York
           sandwich shop before turning   based Polish baker Harry   City tap water. There’s no
           to Kickstarter for funding—  Lender revolutionized how   proof that the bagel-boiling        WISE SONS
           which she earned in four days.   America ate bagels by freezing   water has a huge effect    JEWISH
           That’s the real magic of this   his hand-rolled surplus   on flavor, but the shtick          San Francisco
           so-called bagel revolution:    during the week to sell on the   seems to work: The chain has
           To customers, bagels are shiny   weekend. By the next year,   24 outposts.
           and new—even worthy of    sleeves of Lender’s Bagels   Evan Bloom, co-owner of           There is
           crowd-sourced cash; to bakers,   were in grocery-store freezers   San Francisco’s Jewish deli   nostalgia
           they’re a return to the golden   for the first time.  Wise Sons, took the opposite   and ritual
           age. “One hundred years     A cross-country bagel    approach: “We purposefully
           ago, the process wasn’t   expansion followed in the   do not call our product a     that’s often
           considered artisanal,” Melissa   1960s, thanks in large part   New York bagel, because   associated
           says. “It was just what bakers   to California inventor Daniel   everyone has an opinion   with bagels,”
           had to do.”               Thompson’s bagel-making    about those,” he says. He      Evan says.
                                     machine. These machines and   and business partner Leo    “For me, it was
           BAGELS BACK IN THE DAY    others that followed made   Beckerman had to futz with    Sundays with my
           America’s first bagel makers   mass production possible, so   the recipe dozens of times
           were mostly Eastern       bagels spread to every part   until it met their exacting   grandma, eating
           European immigrants who   of the country. Of course,   standards: chewy on the      bagels and lox.
           settled in New York City’s   the downside was that they   outside, softer in the middle,   I even remember
           Lower East Side in the late   weren’t exactly like the   with a slightly malty taste.  the plates
                                     originals. They were bigger   The biggest difference      she served
                                                                between bagels made in
                       MELISSA                                  New York and ones produced     them on.
                                                                elsewhere might just be pride.
                       SADELLE’S,                               “New York City had a really
                       New York City                            dominant bagel culture in   its production process. And
                                                                the early 1900s,” explains   four-year-old Tompkins
                                                                Melissa, “but you can find   Square Bagels in Manhattan,
                     There is                                   good bagels in other places.”   which is opening a second
                                                                  The return to artisanal   location soon, has had similar
                a phenomenon
                                                                bagel baking has led to an   cult success with its over-
                of forming                                      increased interest in bagels of   the-top cream cheese menu   WISE SONS BAGELS: MOLLY DECOUDREAUX. BLOOM AND BECKERMAN: ALANNA HALE. SADELLE’S BAGELS: EVAN SUNG. WELLER: MELISSA HOM.
                lines to see                                    every form—even ones that   (42 options, including
                what the new                                    aren’t old-fashioned. The   birthday cake and wasabi).
                thing is all                                    Bagel Store in Brooklyn, for   Whether folks actually crave
                about, and                                      example, can barely keep up   these crazy flavors or just
                                                                with demand for its rainbow   the thrill of tasting the
                now we have
                                                                bagels, dyed with food     Next Big Thing is up for
                a spotlight                                     coloring. When a behind-the-  debate. The bottom line
                on bagels. It’s                                 scenes video was published   is that people want more
                changing what                                   earlier this year showing how   bagels. “We’re choosier about
                                                                the over-saturated bagel was   carbs these days,” Mary says,
                how people                                      made, demand got so huge   laughing. “No one is going
                                                                that the shop had to shut   to eat a bagel that’s not
                want them.
                                                                down for a week to streamline   worth it.”

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