Page 177 - Food Network Magazine ( PDFDrive )_Neat
P. 177
On the Road
Hall of ame
For this special issue, we tracked down the magazine’s
biggest fans…and some of them found us!
Kimberly, ID
Until a few months ago,
Carrie Richins’s single biggest
kitchen frustration was one missing
issue of Food Network Magazine.
She had a complete set otherwise,
neatly organized in racks, but she
signed up just a few weeks late for
the Fall 2008 premiere issue (which
is nearly impossible to find these
days, even in our offices). “If I think
about it too long, my eye gets all
twitchy,” says the self-professed
magazine addict. Carrie probably
deserves the issue more than
anyone else in the country:
Since 2014, she has been running
an Instagram account called CARRIE s
@iheartfoodnetmag where
she posts photos of our recipes for Kelsey Nixon
Before Kelsey competed on Food Network
her 3,200-plus followers. After
Star in 2008, she had a show in Utah that
Carrie caught the attention of our Carrie and Adam watched. They all went to
editors and test-kitchen team with Brigham Young University at the same time.
her carefully plated dishes and
Mix & Match Baked Pasta, March 2011
honest recipe critiques, we invited “I made and froze a bunch of these pastas
her and her husband, Adam, to our before I had our third baby because I knew
offices in New York City so we could I would probably be out of commission for
meet our biggest fan in person (and, a while.”
of course, give her that missing
The Chocolate Issue, March 2012
issue). In addition to her nearly “I use the 50 Brownies recipe insert from
encyclopedic knowledge of this issue every week. They’re almost
Food Network Magazine history, easier than a mix, and they taste so much
Carrie has also honed her food
PHILIP FRIEDMAN/STUDIO D. styling chops. She always saves her Kale-Potato Soup, Jan/Feb 2015
best-looking plate for the camera.
“I never could have imagined our three
“The kids ask, ‘Which cupcake can
kids—Audrey, Paige and Benson—would like
green soup!”
I eat?’ And I say, ‘You can have that
one, it’s a little lumpy.’”