Page 79 - 2021 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 79

Lions Club Winterfest  Late January
                                                                                    Fishfly Festival June 23-27
                   The secret is getting out                             Anchor Bay Country Fest July 9-10
                                                                                  Music By the Bay August 13-14
               about downtown New Baltimore!                                            Oktoberfest Sept 17-18

            Year round activities abound in scenic  non-profit  community  New Balti-  ticipate, and our farmers see a direct
        waterfront downtown  New Baltimore.   more Farmers Market  grows  increase in their sales of Michigan pro-
        Unique shopping, dining, and plenty of  each year in popularity.  Starting with  duce.  Thanks Debra & your team for
        outdoor recreation for the family.   10  vendors  its  first  year,  last  season  all the hard work to make this such a
           As the town grows, so does the cul-  there were several Sundays with 90+  nice community event each Sunday....
        ture.  Last fall the  New Baltimore  participants  offering  local  products  I  always come hungry and am never
        Arts & Culture Commission was  to as many as 5,200 visitors in one  disappointed!
        formed.  Owner of the local The Conn  market day!  The market also proudly       There are many new items to talk
        Artist art studio Constance Hipwell Vla-  supports the SNAP program, (Supple-  about in downtown New Baltimore (for
        houlis explained the purpose is to help  mental Nutrition Assistance) to ensure  more see pg 76) but since I have some
        enrich the  community through visual,  local produce is received by those who  German heritage,  I’d  like to  highlight
        literary, musical, culinary, and perform-  need some extra help through tough  for 2021 is a brand new two day
        ing arts.    This group will add warmth  times, along with being the first Farm-  Oktoberfest  scheduled  September
        and beauty to public spaces and will of-  ers Market in Macomb County to offer  17-18 with German food, music, dance,
        fer ways for area citizens to participate  Double Up Food Bucks. This Program  and beverages.    The  same weekend
        in the arts.  One possibility mentioned  matches the dollar amounts customers  on Sunday the 19th, the annual Lions   RESORT PORT - NEW
        was the formation of a bay area Jazz  use on their SNAP benefits up to a $20  Club  Car Show  takes place with the
        Band.  I’m sure the  Art Commission  limit. These extra funds can only be re-  addition of a Swap Meet - and I was told
        through The Conn Artist studio would              deemed for purchase of  the Festival Tent will still be in place for
        be happy to hear if you might be inter-           Michigan-grown fruits &  this event too.  All these activities along
        ested in this pursuit.                            vegetables  or fruit/veg-  with the many great shops and restau-
             Taking a larger portion of the down-         etable-bearing  plants.  rants can be
        town area each Sunday  9am-2pm,                   This is a win-win       reached    by
        and going  into its 14th season, the              for all, as there       BOAT  or
                                                          is no cost to par-
                                                                                  CAR!                                   BAL

                                                                                                   “We had many         TIMORE
             Farmers Market local foods, farmers, and artisans -                                 markets last season
                                                                                                  with 90+ vendors”
                                 pierogies to purses!!                                             Debra Williams
                                                                                                 Certified Market Mgr
                                                                                                   New Baltimore
                                                                                                   Farmers Market

                     SEE MORE!

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