Page 84 - 2021 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 84

Continued from Pg. 44 WHAT’S NEW  is worth checking  out                               son - all increased their
        TO DO THIS YEAR! ...... he gets bored  this shop!  And LR Em-                          outside  dining space.
        with retirement and brings this boat to  broidered Creations                           There is so much to talk
        the St. Clair River so the public may en-  (Pg.74b) opened with                        about in New Baltimore
        joy dinner cruises in the future!    a variety of product and                          that I can’t fit here (more
             NEW BALTIMORE (page 74-77)  can put your unique                                   see page 75) or better
        - A growing Resort Port with 16 public  boat or club name on                           yet, visit New Baltimore
        free  docks!    Besides  the  already  fine  just about anything!        On the Bay    and explore!
        eateries & shops we enjoy, a few no-  On  the  Bay Customs             Outdoor Cafe         FAIR HAVEN -
        table new places have popped up.  A  Boutique & Cafe also                              Zef’s  Lighthouse  has
        unique  atmosphere  has been created  expanded their outdoor cafe dining last  new owners!   The Digiuseppe  family
        at the  Pink House Tea Room (Pg.  season with heated gazebos serving  brings a lot of experience with over 50
        74) which faces the free public docks.   smoothies and interesting items - Lob-  years in the bar business.  The same
        The outside  deck  has wonderful  view  ster highlights their menu; and Wash-  great food quality and excellent service
        however you must go inside and tour  ington Street Wine House also start-  will  continue  while  some building  and
        the beautifully decorated                            ed  offering  carry  out  parking lot improvements will occur -
        rooms for brunch.  Owner                             wine  slushies.   And  pizza may be in our future here?  Stuck
        Jen’s enthusiasm  & scones
                                                                          Fin’s,  in Seaweed Part Deux (Pg. 43)!  Fair
     TIMORE  are certainly a great new             Pink      Little   Camille’s,  Haven’s #1 clothing &  furniture store
                                                             and  Wooden  Valve  located at  the  front  of  Mayea Marina
        asset to  the  town!   Boater
                                                             - shifting  toward a  is expanding!  Unique boutique attire,
        City Marketplace  (Pg.  74)
                                                             Taqueria with  even   gifts, and indoor furniture will continue
        has also just opened  next
      BAL  to  The Conn  Artist  Studio           House      more   interesting  at the current shop while a full line of
        downtown - the name alone
                                                                                  casual & nautical Cont. page 78.........
                                                             Tequila’s this sea-

                                              “MULTI - SPECIES” FISHING OPPORTUNITIES
                                                             around lake st. clair

               BUY / SELL LOCAL         SEE
                                       PAGE    Meet other

                                                                                 From Algonac
                                                                       Nick, Rebecca, Buster & Gianna
                                                                          ate well after a late summer
                                                                      charter fishing trip on Anchor Bay

        Page 76                         The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein
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