Page 126 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 126

Smoke House & Tiki Bar

                                                           you’ll come for the sunset, but
                                                              you’ll be back for the food

                                                                                         LOOK FOR OUR BRIGHT
                                                                                           YELLOW SEAWALL

                                                                           ROASTED &

                                                                           SMOKED MEATS
                                                                         SEAFOOD - SALADS

                                                                          TIKI COCKTAILS!

               7479 Dyke Rd (M29), Clay Twp. @ the Fair Haven Border                      586.210.7625

           Easy Nav Tip to the                    We now have GPS yay, however  didn’t know    On  this same bay

               Northern Bays                 for a good visual, when you are enter-  it was there   during ice season are
                                                                                  in the dark.
                                             ing southern Anchor Bay you will see
           Tree lines around the shore do tend   the stacks from the St. Clair River as a   Use  a navi-  many  restaurants  to
                                                                                               drive your snowmobile
        to look alike and blend together.  Years   nice back drop - they also have lights   gation chart,   & ATV to... or just walk
        ago before GPS and Iphones, we were   blinking at night.  There are two sets of   however, for   to on the ice!
        coming  back  from  fishing  to  the  Self-  stacks, so fastest is to head toward the   reference
        ridge launch ramp at night, and as we   stacks on the left and that will lead you   only  see      When parking a
        approached  the shore, there was a   to Bouvier Bay.                      pages 112- vehicle on the ice is
        big ferris wheel and carnival going on.        Bouvier Bay holds several restau-       If we are plan-
        W here                                        rants, vacation rentals, and   ning a run at
        the heck                                      services for the boating com-  night, we have
        are    we                                     munity.                     preplanned  coor-
        won -                                              Once you see the “Red   dinates  entered
        dered.                                        Roof”  building  formerly  Jig-  into our GPS to
        Later we                                      ger’s Bar, see Page 113 sat-  safely  take  us
        found out                                     ellite  map  where  you’ll  find   around   Grassy
        we were                                       many  destinations  via  the   Island.
                                                      water. Keep in mind if it is at
        like  bugs                                    night,  on  the  way  to  Bouvi-
        - we had                                      er Bay is the Grassy Island,
        been at-                                      where you will also see many
        tracted to                                    green/red markers leading
        the  lights                                   into the North Channel.   I
        during the annual New Baltimore Fish-  have a few pictures over the years of
        fly Festival!                        boats run aground on this island who

         Find Island Grill | Raft Bar | On the Rocks |  & MUCH MORE - see map page 113
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