Page 128 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 128

ANNUAL “Float Down”
           3rd Sunday in August                                 And another
                                                                one is gone

                                                               Photo:  Brenda Brobst
                                                            Thank you for remembering to dine “in the winter” at the
                                                           sponsors of the Guide, so they wil be here when you want to
                                                                       be on the waterfront in the summer.
                                                                 Just north of Algonac, on the  1978 The restaurant was sold
                                                            St. Clair River, we lost another  to  a  group  of  investors  who
                                                            long time waterfront restaurant  changed  the  name  to  The
                                                            - McRae’s Big River Grille.  The  Channel Marker. It was owned
                                                            following is a nice summary of  for a 1.5 years and was sold to
                                                            the  history  since  1933  posted  the Brengman family.
                                                            on McRae’s Facebook:         1980  -  The  Brengman’s  al-
                                                                 1933 - Originally a boat liv-  ready  owned  a  restaurant
                                                            ery it was owned by a German  named  Captain’s  so  this  one
                                                            immigrant,  Ray  Hegle  &  wife  became  Captain’s  II.  It  was
            Floaters - Please see St. Clair County          who rented boats and cooked  owned  by  many  members  of
                 Marine Sheriff Article Page 6

                   ANNUAL Float Down the St. Clair River                                Was called
        Last season the Sheriff, USCG, Ontario Police, and Fish                         Sid’s on the Seaway
        & Game just about out numbered the participants!  Many                          1945-1976
        still poured onto the St. Clair River just north of the Blue
        Water Bridge for this annual event where floaters end in
        Marysville, MI.  This is an unsanctioned event and can
        be dangerous due to currents and water temperatures.
        As a reminder, ALL motorized vessel traffic includ- fish  people  caught.  They  the  Brengman  and  Morley
        ing FREIGHTER traffic is shut down on the river from  eventually  added  sandwich-  families.
        noon to 8pm this 3rd Sunday in August.              es  and  burgers  to  the  menu.  1993  -  Anthony’s:  Mr.  Jack
                                                            During  WWII  they  started  Lietke  bought  the  restaurant
                                                            serving drinks and held hours  and  his  son-in-law,  Anthony,
                                                            for dancing & drinks with fam-  operated the business.
                                                            ily  and  friends.  The  property  1997  -  McRae’s  Big  River
                                                            was sold in 1945.            Grille:  Mr.  and  Mrs.  McRae
                                                            1945 - The restaurant’s name  bought the restaurant. For al-
                                                            was  changed  to  Sid’s  on  the  most  20  years,  they  offered
                                                            Seaway (Sid’s).              exceptional  service  and  a
                                                            1976  -  Chuck  Mattas  bought  wonderful  dining  experience
                                                            into   a   Black   Angus  for every guest.
                                                            franchise   &                They will be missed!
          Algonac Lions Pickerel Festival                   renamed   the
          on the St. Clair River                            restaurant        I’m sure
          Photo Connie Engelhardt                           The    Black    Kim must
                                                            Angus.          know this
                  85th Anniversary for                                     is not my
                     Pickerel Festival
              The 1st Pickerel Fest was held in 1939 and was run
         by the Village of Algonac.   A year after the Algonac “Li-                                      BOATING IND.
         ons Cub” was chartered, the Lions took over the event
         and have been running it since 1941.
              The Lions Club supports many charities including
         Hospice,  Goodfellows,  Children  in  Distress,  Leader
         Dogs for the Blind and many many more good people.
         Besides being a worthy cause, it’s just a GREAT event to
         attend!  See page 43 for 2023 details.
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