Page 134 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 134

Marine City                                            city  marina  wells
                                                                    NEW!  free  daily

             Shopping • Parks • Restaurants

                                                                 and outdoor  pa-
                                                                 tios in back &   MARINE CITY FISH CO.
                                                                 front.  Very giant   page 139
                                                                 burgers  and big
                                                                 Boomba beers!
                                                                      Now if you
                                                                 have some kids,
                                                                 a unique  stop
                                                                 next is Little A’s
                                                                 Toys & Games.
                                                                 Books, puzzles,   store focusing just on the kids.
                                                                 toys & activities        As you proceed down the street
                                                                 that teach                          you’ll  see many
                                                                 while  hav-                         other   options,
                                                                 ing   fun!                          but don’t forget to
                                                                 O pened                             turn the    corner
                                                                 last  year                          onto  Broadway
                                                                 by a young                          and  you’ll  arrive
                                                                 elementa-                           at the  Newport
                                                                 ry teacher   BIG RIVER              Pub.   Exactly
                                                                 Bailey, this   ANTIQUES             what you’d ex-
                                                                 husband    page 138                 pect at the friend-
                                                                 wife team
                                                                 provide a fun
                                                                 clean space for
                                                                 families  & play
                                                                 date parties -
        Cont. from Page 133 ...... here I feel                   and it  is really
        we just  arrived on vacation         nice to  see a  local hometown  unique
        in  the Florida  Keys.  Very
        lively, open, 2 floors of din-
        ing with garage doors open                                                   Little A’s Toys & Games
        when the weather is nice.                                                    page 139
           Next  stop is  Gar’s Bar.
        Be sure to wind your way
        around, there are several
        unique areas inside this old
        school bar,  with dining ar-
        eas, pool table room & bar,

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