Page 136 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 136
Marine City city marina wells
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on the St. Clair River
WHEN to Fish the St. Clair River eyes are one of the tastiest fish in the and handling them with safety is most
Cont from Page 87 Great Lakes and are highly sought af- important, so if catching one of these
cold-water species of fish. Lake trout, ter, as fisherman pack and freeze them dinosaurs is on your bucket list, we
salmon, steelhead (rainbow trout), while they await their next fish fry. highly recommend contacting a local
brown trout, white fish and walleye can June-August can be the best fishing guide to take you on the trip of
be found from Port Huron to Algonac months to target big smallmouth in the your life!
and in good numbers as well. river as well as perch and bluegills. If The St. Clair River is a hidden gem
Late April through early June you’re lucky, you can even find one of and can look completely different from
brings some of the best walleye fishing the most sought-after freshwater game one end to the other. Come by car or by
you can imagine. Boat after boat come fish, the muskie! Muskies are the toothy boat, but we promise you won’t regret
back to the launches with their live apex predator of many regions through- checking out all it has to offer! Marinas
wells full of St. Clair River gold! Wall- out the Great Lakes and the St. Clair can be found in Port Huron, St. Clair,
River is known to be home of many tro- Marine City, and Algonac.
The Volkman family phy fish reaching the 52”-54” range. If you’re going to come visit the St.
from Marine City August-November is the time for Clair River to fish, always bring enough
some of the most unique fishing in the tackle and be ready to try everything.
country. Sturgeon season is a foreign There’s so many ways to fish, and so
term for many anglers all over the U.S. many fish to catch, you do not want to
but for the anglers here on the St. Clair be caught unprepared.
River, it can
be a lifestyle. More St. Clair River
Sturgeon are fishermen who don’t yield their
modern day spot ... and survive! (Was photo
dinosaurs and bombed by this sailboat while
can reach waiting to see if these guys were
lengths over going to be run over!)
70”! Target-
ing sturgeon
can be difficult
Contact the city to
Rent our waterfront
Gazebo for your event!
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