Page 34 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 34

City of St. Clair                                                                        Huge Annual

                                                                                                    ▪ Art Fair ▪
                                                                                                ▪ Jazz Festival ▪
                                                                                                ▪ Turtle Races ▪
                                                                                                All in ONE BIG
                on the St. Clair River                                                            WEEKEND!
                                                                                                  Aug. 19-20

      the river

      RESORT PORT - st. clair on
        4,000 Turtles where adopted by       win), or you
        the public to raise funds to maintain the   may adopt a turtle  the       An -
        newest public space in St. Clair,  “Ro-  day of the event up to 15 minutes be-  chor Point Bistro
        tary Centennial Park.”  The park, built   fore the race starts.           where  a live  band  was entertaining
        and maintained by the St. Clair Rotary        The race took about 20 minutes and   everyone at  the  Riverview Plaza.   A
        Club is across from the St. Clair Harbor   promptly started after live singing of our
        Marina  with dockage, kayak launch,   National Anthem.  The St. Clair Marine   GREAT SUNDAY event to enjoy  the
        and also  extends  the  boardwalk from   Fire Dept. was on hand “just in case” of  town and put a smile on your face.
        the St. Clair River to add to the city’s   the wind blowing the wrong way, how-
        beautiful waterfront.                ever, with the current and strong south
             Each turtle was tagged with a number   west wind, the turtles rushed thru the         $1500 Paid
                                                                    course.  It
                                                                    was   amaz-                     to Winner
                                            The new Rotary          ing     how
                                            Centennial Park         many smiles
                                                                    and   laugh-
                                                                    ing    there
                                                                    was   during
                                                                    the    race.
                                                                    Definitely  a
                                                                    family - and
                                                                    adult  event.
                                                                    We  made a
                                                                    special  trip
                                                                    to town that
                                                                    day    from
                                                                    Fair  Haven
                                                                    and brought
        matching the adoption tickets sold at   friends from St. Clair Shores to witness
        $5 each (and discounts for quantities)..    the 1st anniversary of this new annu-
        $1500, $1000, and $500 were awarded   al event.  We were all happy that we          St. Clair Art Fair
        for 1st 3 places.  You may adopt a tur-  came ... while we were waiting for the
        tle at several St. Clair businesses prior   official start, we had some appetizers   Along the Boardwalk
        to the event (you need not be there to   and cocktails at the Voyageur, then fol-
                                             lowed up with dinner at the
                                                                                            Book your stay
                                                                                            by boat or car &
         ANNUAL TURTLE RACE AUGUST 20                                                       partake in many
                                                                                          downtown st. clair!
                                                                     TURTLE RACE
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