Page 36 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 36

MARINE & HOME                         Donate your time!  There
                               Custom Metal Fabrication             are many wonderful  wa-      August 25, 2023
                                                                    terfront charities... one of
                                  We can do just about              which I’d like to  mention
                                anything you can imagine!           coming this  August will
                                                                    celebrate their 30th year -
                                  Trailer                           Benefit on the Bay, a fund
                              Customization                         raiser  held  at MacRay             Benefit
                                                                    Harbor ballroom.    $2.3
                                 & Repair                           million  has been raised            on the
                                                                    with this event  over the
           Custom Marine Custom Home                                last 29 years - with 100%             Bay
             Skeg Repair     Railings                               of  the  proceeds  benefit-  3 year run.  With its atten-
           T-Tops Arches   Stairscases                              ing the  Capuchin Soup   dance growing, the event
                                                                    Kitchen Detroit.  Last year
           Swim Platforms     Gates                                                          has since been held at
                                                                                             MacRay Harbor’s ban-
           Custom Ladders  Deck & BBQ
            Dock Frames    Accessories                                                      Exciting LIVE auction
                                                                                        moment...Two groups tied for
            Pontoon & Stainless Welding                                                 the highest bid for a dinner for
              Powder Coating & More!                                                     12 cooked at their 2 homes
                                                                                        donated by Local TV celebrity
                   Customize your Pontoon Boat !                                          Chef Bobby for $25,000!
           Add a 3rd Tube & Make your Boat a TriToon!               over $200,000 was
             Add a 2nd Level Deck with Slide & More !               raised between the
                                                                    many     generous
                                                                    sponsors and the
                                                                    $75pp  ticket price
         41325 Production Dr, Harrison Twp, MI - 810-397-4568       for 600 guests, as
                                                                    well as the live and silent
          More Ideas @      auctions!                quet center featuring live
                                                                                             and silent auctions, food,
                                                                         The 1st Benefit on the   beer  & wine, and quite a
         DOCKING Challenges you can overcome                        Bay was held at Island   variety of entertainment
         As we sit at Brown’s Bar on Harsen’s Island, we notice captain’s   Cove  Marina  in  Harrison   all evening.  You may find
         often have trouble bringing  their boat safely into the docks.     Twp. in 1993  with  beer,   out more @
         Several dock  poles                are usually missing by   pizza, and a radio for mu-
                              Now Arriving   the end the season     sic and raised $1400.  The   for this year’s Friday
                              GATE 8....   from boats missing the   event grew and moved to       August  25th -
                                GATE 9     mark!                    Gino’s Surf in 1999 for a   30th Anniversary event.
                                  GATE 10      As a suggestion only
                                           from many years of ex-
                                           perience at  this loca-
                 comin’ in                 tion....   IF  you are en-
                  too hot!                 tering Brown’s from the
                                           Middle Channel, you are
                                           coming in “with a strong
                                           current”.  Pass the dock
                                           you’ve chosen, then
                                           turn around and come
                                           back INTO  the current.
                                           Take it slow  and  easy!
                                           As you start turning into
                                           the dock, the current will
                                           push your bow into po-
                                           sition while you maintain   cent size “currents”  at most locations.  Take this into
                                           the stern with enough   consideration anywhere on the lake and rivers and then
                                           power.    There are de-  you won’t be part of our on-shore entertainment!

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