Page 56 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 56
Don’t rush around when visiting.
HARSEN’S ISLAND your surroundings on this rural quiet island.
Whether boating, kayaking, riding your bike,
or in a car, take your time and enjoy
Cont from page 53 - the public. Harsen’s of-
Visiting Harsen’s Island fers 3,355 acres of strictly
the lake or rivers within managed waterfowl hab-
200’ from shore or the end itat! More info on how
of docks (approx. 4 semi this works can be found
truck length for reference) @
and 400’ from shore if you dnr/things-to-do/hunting/
are larger than a 26’ ves- where/wetland-wonders/
sel. See Full NO WAKE harsens-island.
ZONE chart on Page 09.
In the fall and early Gene from
winter, duck hunting is OH in May
also very popular. The
Michigan DNR runs the
hunting zones with a lot-
tery system for morning
and afternoon hunts in the
many plots designated.
It is open at no charge to
Mike Little Muscamoot Bay,
from Ohio which is surrounded by
Harsen’s Island
RESORT destina Ohio
Eric from
Friday Night - Kick Off party
the night before the annual
Raft Off August 2022
FISH - HUNT - EXPORE - RELAX on the Island