Page 58 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
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SCUBA DIVING on Lake St. Clair these were his keys. He insisted more hours to find the right one.
Lydia by Lisa Eick that he had a very distinct keychain 7. A gold dental crown. Crowns are
bottle Lisa As a recovery scuba diver with attached to his, and that he could expensive, but sadly they drop in val-
found from many successful dives, the most in fact accurately identify his keys, ue dramatically with each new owner.
the early frequent questions I get asked so I went back for a second look, 8.A golf cart. Fortunately the driver
1900s. are probably: “How soon can you and sure enough he was right! didn’t get hurt!
A herbal get here?” and, “Do you think my 2. A wallet when looking for a
vegetable phone will still work?” Usually my phone. It didn’t have any cash in If you drop something (it doesn’t
based tonic answers are “soon” and “proba- it, but hopefully the owner will be have to be unique enough to make
medicine for bly.” I’m also often asked about the pleased to get his driver’s license this list) and need a diver, give
“women’s most interesting things I’ve found and Blockbuster card back. me a call at 586-873-8110; I’ll be
complaints.” underwater. 3. A phone while looking for a wal- happy to come out and help. SEE
I read it An old (or old-looking at least) let. It turned on, but the background PAGE 124 for more INFO - Lisa
later was
said there miniature telescope or picture on the lock screen of a very Eick
was “a baby spyglass would have cute Labrador didn’t help me find
in every to fit that description. the owner. Unfortunately,
bottle!” I don’t have any back- neither did the Apple Store.
Maybe ground information on 4. A large fish, who was
because it it, but it was a very un- attracted to my flashlight
was 20% usual find while metal during a night dive. I was
alcohol?? detecting at a closed very startled to see it!
marina. 5. A white Apple Watch with a
Other things of gray face, while looking for a
note: 1. A set of white Apple Watch with a sil-
keys, while looking ver face. It’s still hard to be-
for a different set lieve this wasn’t the right one.
of keys. I assured 6. A gold-colored Tungsten
my intoxicated cli- ring while using a metal de-
ent that he must be tector to look for a gold-col-
mistaken, of course ored gold ring. It took a few
GORDIE HOWE HISTORY is in the makng, so don’t forget to take a
INT’ BRIDGE Detroit River trip, just south of the
Ambassador Bridge to see this engi-
UPDATE Canada neering marvel in progress.
CONNECTING Side The distinctive tower legs of the
Detroit to Windsor Sept. Gordie Howe International Bridge
2022 currently stand at approximately
152 meters / 500 feet as of the end
of 2022.
U.S. 722’ high is their final height to
Side end this stage of building, when
Sept. they complete the “pylon heads” by
2022 the end of 2023. The pylon head
are the anchor boxes which will
house the cables that will connect
Sail Club heading out onto Lake St. Clair
from the Detroit River
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