P. 6

                                 Rent a pontoon boat &
                                  enjoy smooth sailing.

                                  Rates start @ $300 !

              Rentals for 1/2 day
                 to 10 days!
                                            Located at
          Family-owned company that        Miller Marina
         strives for a reliable and easy   on the Nautical Mile
             boating experience.          St. Clair Shores     This year, you will know the  last several years.  I’m quite
                                                               answer to  this  question,  sure they ask, why are there

                                                                     WHY ARE               markers in the middle  of
                                                                                           Lake St.  Clair leading  into
                                                                     MARKERS               the  Middle Channel for  ex-
                                                                                           ample.   It  appears these
                                                                  IMPORTANT ?              new boaters will find out this
                                                                                                Lake St. Clair has an av-
                                                               Many new boaters have  erage depth of only 11’!  Un-
                                                               been enjoying  the lake the   fortunately, we go through
                  PLATINUM PONTOON BOAT RENTALS                                             Continued on Page 24
        24770 E. Jefferson, St. Clair Shores, MI  586-775-1777
          BOOK ONLINE @

        St. Clair County Marine Sheriff reminders
        and 2022 season recap:  According to Sergeant
        Martin Stoyan, at least six vessels hit this old break-
        wall shown here (see WARNING at right) on Jobbie
        Nooner weekend, one was a $2.6 million boat.  Over                                               GULL ISLAND
        the summer, 12-15 boats were reported damaged to                                                  Jobbie Nooner
        the Sheriff, there were probably many more.      who ran into a channel marker pole in the dark, and   June 2022
             Sadly, there were two drownings, one at the mouth  one unfortunately drowned after being ejected.
        of Lake Huron at Lighthouse Beach in Port Huron.  A       2023 BE AWARE - RAFT OFF:  In the area
        person in the water adding a second anchor to their  near  Walker’s  Landing  (page  119)  -  Sheriff  &
        boat to go for a swim was pulled away by the strong  Coast Guard will be along the “exit” of the Raft
        current which leads to the Blue Water bridge into the  Off.  In this area, please do NOT go on plane until
        St. Clair River. The 2nd fatal were from 2 fishermen  reaching the entrance to the big lake.  There are
                                                                 too many boats leaving at the same time
                                                                 early evening/late  afternoon  and  there
                                                                 have been several fatalities in year’s past
                                                                 - so thanks
                                                                 for taking
                                                                 your time.
                                                                 2023 BE
                                                                 AWARE -
                                     Lieutenant Gary Wiegand     F L O A T
                Marine Division,      (above) Marine Division,   Do wn                                         Photo:
             St. Clair County Sheriff  Macomb County Sheriff                                             Trevor Walczy
             Sergeant Martin Stoyan   and Sergeant Gene Miller   -   The  last
                                                                 years, due
         The Marine Sheriffs’ Update                             to   weath-
                                                                 er  and un-
                                                                 f avorable
        Page 06                           The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein
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