P. 8
The Save Our South Channel Lights nance and repairs and we did just that!
South Channel Lights non-profit all volunteer organization is ex- Sometimes you come across people
UPDATES Completed cited to work each summer to maintain who are passionate about saving history
and restore this maritime historical prop- and pre-
erty for future gener- serving our Alex Bugg Construction,
ations. Between the heritage so beautiful, almost to
good to paint!
high water and wave as much
damage, and the as you
Common Tern, it is do hear
an annual challenge! at Save
The following is a Our South
recap from SOSCL Channel
President, Gary Lights.
Strobel - 2022 was Alex Bugg
a decent year for the Construc-
Lights. We set out tion was commissioned to restore the
to do some mainte- shed the wind and waves destroyed and
repairs on the fake outhouse.
When I ask Michael Rice and MJR
Painting if they would be willing to quote
painting the out buildings on the Lights,
they jumped at the chance and said they
would be honored. “I used to fish there
as a kid and climb them” said Michael.
SHERIFF RECAP Cont. to Page 50
Cont. from pg. 07
There were several accidents during the season which Launch last season. Macomb County Marine Sheriff have
were mainly due to operating a boat too close to other boats built a new $8.4 million office and boat house.
and then not being able to stop in time. The 50 year old structure had been deteriorating with the
Macomb Marine Sheriff also reminds the biggest tickets high water and with its foundation & seawall issues, it was
for the NO WAKE Zones occur on the Clinton Macomb Marine Sheriff has
River and the Black Creek which runs through new boat house for 2023
Lake St. Clair Metropark. Also St. Clair Shores
has their own ordinance of 600’ from shore
along the Nautical Mile which is marked with
buoys. “If you can see white water behind your
boat, you are going too fast.” See all NO WAKE ZONES at decided to build a new
right. structure, and will also
You may have noticed some construction at the end of the include 5 new indoor
Clinton River, right next to the Harley Ensign DNR Boat boat wells.
Remember, no wake
zone on the Clinton SOUTH CHANNEL
River, especially in front LIGHTS MICHIGAN HARB
of the Sheriff NO WAKE ZONE
The “night before” The Annual Raft Off 2022
Little Muscamoot Bay was bigger than ever
with a perfect weather day.
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