Page 71 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 71

DNR’s  detailed  chart.    After  40”,  the  and you decide to name it Uncle Joe  leased by anglers 8 times (3 times by   MAP - RV RESORTS / CAMPING - Bring your Boat!
         rings become so  close together it  is  or  Swim  Shady  or  something,  you  the same angler)!  CONT. Page 83
         much more difficult to be certain of true  may  have
         actual age and then will be based on  a chance     Deanna from W. Virginia
         size (unless the sturgeon was tagged  of  catch-   caught this 78” Sturgeon
         and aged before).                    ing it again   while Muskie fishing along
         According to the DNR chart for exam-  some time   the Lake St. Clair southern
         ple BELOW.  I also loaded the full DNR  over your   Canada shore in July.
         chart which ranges from 20-80” length  future
         @  years  of

                                                      angling.    The North                  From Kentucky, Mark &
                                                      Channel  of  the St.                   son Marcus on their first
                                                      Clair  River seems                      trip to norhern Lake St.
                                                      to have the highest                    Clair - they will be back!
         sturgeon-weight-estimate.            density of Lake Sturgeon in
             Our Lake Sturgeon tend to repeat  our St. Clair  System.  Since

         similar movement patterns every year.  it is not a large area to cover
                       So, if you should catch  while fishing, Andrew said he
                       a tagged  Sturgeon  had  one  fish  caught  and  re-
                            Length    Girth      Weight    Age
                            50”       20”        30#       17-25
                            60”       27”        62#       33-47
         Northpointe RV     78”       31”        127#      120+??
        The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein                                   Page 71
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