Page 76 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 76

Now that’s a fender for rafting off!

                                                                             Cont. from Pg. 44 Ways to Not Worry
                         Ways to not                                         About Fuel Economy
                                                                             3.  Besides the people you don’t like, ditch
                     worry about fuel                                             the extra weight - extra anchors, unused
                                                                                  tools, etc.
                           economy?                                          4.  Don’t fill your  “fresh water” tank to the
                                                                                  top if you don’t need to & keep your
                                                                                  fuel tank at a safe level to not run out of
                                                                                  gas, but not enough for the month.
                                                                             5.  Ask your passengers to move around to
                                                                                  the best seating positions until the
                                                                                  weight is evenly distributed.
                                                                             6.  Buy trim tabs.    7.  Take down the bimini
                                                                                  when underway if possible.
                                                                             8.  Except in no wake areas, your boat runs
                                                                                  most efficiently on plane.
                                                                             9.  You can install a fuel
                                                                                  flow meter which shows
                                                                                  in real time how many
                              Man Power & Sail              gallons/hour your engine burns to help find the
                                                            most efficient speed.
                                                            10.  Or, buy a sailboat.

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