Page 84 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 84

With  the  tem-  BIG GAME FISHING
                                        peratures   likely   Cont. from 83           Andrew Briggs
                                        sweltering  in  the   eating  their  staples  of   Michigan
                                        South,  the  Bass-  bugs,  mussels,  snails,   DNR Biologist
                                        master  Elite  Se-  and crayfish... they don’t
                                        ries will turn North   eat a lot of fish, howev-
                                        on July 27-30 with   er they do like to eat the
                                        a  trip  to  Lake  St.   invasive  Round  Gobies
            Brandenburg Park                      B.A.S.S.  visit-  which  are  used  (dead)
          Chesterfield Township    ed here three times from   for bait by the DNR.
                                                           The DNR conducts many
              July 27-30 with      1994-2001 and then took   annual surveys of all ma-
           Fireworks on July 29                            jor  species  in  the  area.
                                                           The Lake Sturgeon pop-
         a  hiatus  before  visiting  five                 ulation here is large and
         more  times  from  2014-2020.                     slightly growing however
         Lake St. Clair recently ranked
         No. 4 on Bassmaster Maga-
         zine’s annual list of 100 Best Bass Lakes!

         The  Bass  Pro  Tour “Ma-  Pro  Tour  records,  includ-
         jor  League    Fishing”  ing  the  heaviest  two-day
         wraps  up  the  2023  sea-  Qualifying  Round  total   DNR TAG
         son  on  big  waters  –  first  ever  weighed  and  the
         with  Stage  Six  at  Lake  heaviest   Championship   ANY tags found on ANY spe-  Contacts for harvest / report
         St.  Clair  in  Harrison  Round total ever weighed.   cies of fish are greatly appreci-  a poacher / catch & release
         Township,  Michigan,       80 of the top bass an-  ated to share with the DNR so   tag info:
         June 24-29.                      glers in the world   they may continue to monitor   Online Harvest Reporting:
         The  Bass  Pro                   compete  in  sev-  the health and populations of
         Tour   visited                   en   regular-sea-  our fantastic fishery.      RegisterFish
         Lake  St.  Clair                 son  tournaments                               Phone Harvest Reporting:
         in 2021, when                    around the coun-                               888-636-7778
         pro   Michael                    try  for  millions  of                         Sturgeon  possession  season
         Neal  set  nu-                   dollars.                                       July 16 through  Sept 30 - but
         merous  Bass                                                                    you may do catch and release
                                                                                         until  March  15  on Lake St.
                                                                                         Clair  &  Surrounding  Water-
                                                                                         ways. Cont. to next page 85

           The fun stuff that goes on when you’re not looking
                                                                                         Jona     daughter Cameron -
                                                                                         from     her first trip to
                                                                                         Ohio     Lake St. Clair.

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