Page 88 - 2023 LAKE ST CLAIR GUIDE
P. 88

It’s  not  to  cut  off  a
                                                                       Big flag at corner    whole lot of time to get
                                                                                             into the South or North
                                                                                             Channel  (because  of
                                                                                             NO WAKE ZONE in-
                     S Channel - St. Clair River  North Channel, across    scenery to take a short break.  There are
                                                                                             side  this  short  canal)
                                                                                             however, if you’re just
         N Channel
                                                                                             cruising around enjoy-
                                                                                             ing a boat ride, this is
                                               Entrance from the
                                                                                             a nice little change of
                                          from Algonac Harbour Club

                                                                                             setting to allow the indige-
          Cut through Russell Island to                                    several interesting houses along the way.
                                                                                             nous species to share the
          the North Channel from S. Channel                                                  land.  Having a diversified
                                                                                             natural habitat, you won’t
                                                                                             need to go far to see more
                                                                                             wildlife, they’ll live in your
                                                    Entrance on the South Channel Side       own backyard.
                                                                                               MAY I CATCH A TUR-
            Pretty good landmark house                      and  claws  of  the  tur-        TLE?       Michigan has
                 here on S. Channel                         tle.   The easiest way,   10 species of turtles managed by DNR.
                                                            though, is with a blan-  Four  species  are  protected  -  Wood,
                                                            ket or tarp, picking up   Blanding’s,  Spotted,  and  the  Eastern
                                                            the corners with the   Box.
                                                            turtle  in  the  middle.         TURTLES for Pets:   Four com-
                                                            Remember  to  take  it   mon species you may keep as a pet -
                                                            to the side “where it   Painted, Map, Musk, Red-Eared Slider.
              Inside this fairly wide channel as we                               They are smaller and are mainly used
             proceed out to the North Channel side          was going.”           as  a  pet  or  in  an  aquarium.   A  turtle
              (across from Algonac Harbour Club)                 Our ever-increas-
                                                            ing seawalls and cut-  can live 50 years, so theoretically you’ll
               Let’s Talk Turtles Cont.                     ting  down  of  natural   never need to take another one.  The
                                                                                  DNR  encourage  kids  to  explore  but
                    from Page 73             areas around the water limits the areas   reminds  that  turtles  don’t  make  good
         act of kindness can make a difference   a  turtle  can  lay  eggs.    Seeing  all  the   pets.
         in sustaining their population.     fallen trees in the Clinton River is cer-  However,  they  do  encourage  kids  to
              Lifting the turtle with the hands is dif-  tainly not always attractive, however, it   learn and to catch a turtle and watch it
         ficult and can be dangerous.  Snappers   is a necessary habitat not only for the   for a few days and then let it go.  Then
         can  stretch  their  necks  back  across   turtles but lots of other fish and birds.    do it again on the next field trip to give
         their own shell and to their hind feet on   When  possible  while  designing  your   kids  a  reason  to  explore  -  your  kids
         either  side  to  bite. The  safest  way  to   yard, whether it be on the water or not,   can’t keep a turtle in a shoebox forev-
         pick  up  a  common  Snapping  turtle  is   the  DNR  suggests,  if  at  all  possible,   er.  If you plan on taking a turtle, you’ll
         to grasp the shell above the back legs   have a human area, and then allow 65-  need a Recreational Fishing License.
         keeping hands safe from both the beak   70% of the property to remain a natural     CAN I EAT A TURTLE?  There are
                                                                                              some  strict  rules  and
                                                                                              some protected Michigan
                                                                                              turtles, but the answer is
                                                                                              yes!  The common Snap-
                                                                                              ping turtle is a traditional
                                                                                              ingredient in turtle soup.
                                                                                              Cont. to 90

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